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NaukaBezGranic: Multicultural Britain, warsztat. 16.10.14, Kraków.
Britain like many countries in Europe has a rich history of multiculturalism partly growing from the ashes of its once fading empire which has now ceased to be. But what has grown from those ashes is a country rich in variety for anybody visiting or living there, from the allure of the Asian restaurants to the stardom of its sportsman and athletes of African descent and many more examples to be seen.
NaukaBezGranic: True Blue Brits. Interaktywny spektakl, 16.10.14, Kraków.
Meet Sir Barnaby Biggleshead from the renowned RAAPEO (The Royal Academy of Acting Awfully Posh as well as Extraordinarily Ordinary). He is the most qualified person to prep you in all that is Britishness! This famous drama and music teacher is experienced in transforming foreigners into true blue Brits in less than a day and making them act and sound truly British! He obtained a masters degree in Proper British Prepping from the RAAPEO in 2004 and was knighted by the Queen in 2010 for his outstanding performance in British Prepping all over the world. This is his first trip to Poland. He says that he is looking forward to working with as many young Polish people as he can during his stay. By the time he is finished with you, you could visit Buckingham Palace and discourse with the Queen herself but also meet, greet and mix with her subjects of all walks of life. And what a varied bunch those British people are!
Goethe-Institut: „Testament“ kolektywu She She Pop na festiwalu Konfrontacje... 16-17.10.14, Lublin.
W „Testamencie“ kolektyw She She Pop zaprasza na scenę swoich ojców. Teatr staje się polem negocjacji w prawdziwie utopijnej kwestii - osiągnięciu kompromisu między pokoleniami.
Codziennie miliony osób na całym świecie korzystają z Wikipedii. Ta największa internetowa encyklopedia ma we wszystkich jej wersjach językowych ponad 27 mln artykułów (w tym ponad milion w języku polskim). Dla wielu osób stała się ważnym źródłem wiedzy o otaczającym nas świecie. Z drugiej strony jej krytycy często wskazują na błędy w hasłach. Czy możemy zatem korzystać z niej do celów edukacyjnych? Odpowiedź jest twierdząca, a przy okazji warto też ją poprawiać, tak jak to miało miejsce w projekcie Wiki-Ekonomia
NaukaBezGranic: Multicultural Britain, warsztat. 15.10.14, Rzeszów.
Britain like many countries in Europe has a rich history of multiculturalism partly growing from the ashes of its once fading empire which has now ceased to be. But what has grown from those ashes is a country rich in variety for anybody visiting or living there, from the allure of the Asian restaurants to the stardom of its sportsman and athletes of African descent and many more examples to be seen.
Lubisz gry? Warto zajrzeć do poradnika „Grywalizacja. Zrób to sam!” wydanego przez Fundację Orange, Fundację Highlight/Inaczej i Laboratorium EE. Książka zawiera praktyczne wskazówki tworzenia grywalizacji, która zaangażuje ludzi w rozwiązanie problemu społecznego i pozwoli im poczuć emocje, jakie towarzyszą graniu w gry.
Goethe-Institut: Myszy i ludzie – Nagrywanie muzyki jak badania naukowe
Świętowanie 20. albo 25. rocznicy działalności zespołu to przywilej weteranów. Członkowie Mouse on Mars wolą nietypowo obchodzić 21 urodziny duetu, ponieważ nie czują się staro i nie muszą odcinać kuponów od popularności. Wręcz przeciwnie – ich młodość nie ma końca!
NaukaBezGranic: True Blue Brits. Interaktywny spektakl, 15.10.14, Rzeszów.
Meet Sir Barnaby Biggleshead from the renowned RAAPEO (The Royal Academy of Acting Awfully Posh as well as Extraordinarily Ordinary). He is the most qualified person to prep you in all that is Britishness! This famous drama and music teacher is experienced in transforming foreigners into true blue Brits in less than a day and making them act and sound truly British! He obtained a masters degree in Proper British Prepping from the RAAPEO in 2004 and was knighted by the Queen in 2010 for his outstanding performance in British Prepping all over the world. This is his first trip to Poland. He says that he is looking forward to working with as many young Polish people as he can during his stay. By the time he is finished with you, you could visit Buckingham Palace and discourse with the Queen herself but also meet, greet and mix with her subjects of all walks of life. And what a varied bunch those British people are!
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