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NaukaBezGranic: Scottish Ceilidh Dancing with Helena, 13.10.15, Katowice.
Do you like to dance? What about singing? In this very active workshop you will have great fun learning the steps to some of Scotland’s traditional dances. When you are tired from dancing, you will take a break and chill out, singing a song!
Już na samym początku nasuwa się pytanie: Czy to w ogóle możliwe? Jak połączyć urządzenie mobilne, jakim jest tablet z edukacją wczesnoszkolną? Jak w ogóle połączyć tablet z jakąkolwiek edukacją czy nauką? Odpowiedź jest jedna i wbrew pozorom bardzo prosta: Da się!!! Ba! Pokuszę się o kolejne stwierdzenia. Nie dość, że się da, to jeszcze przynosi wiele frajdy, zabawy, a przede wszystkim ułatwia zdobywanie wiedzy i umiejętności
NaukaBezGranic: A CLIL LESSON: English, music, fun and free expression, 13.10.15, Warszawa.
Cross-curricular teaching and learning has been around for some time but it is not always easy to put it in practice. Here is a chance to combine learning English with music and free expression. Students concentrate on performing simple routines with instructions in English. As they concentrate in the movement they forget about the language till the end of class when they realise how much they understood and how good their English is. A highly enjoyable class, lots of fun, good to strengthen team spirit and general atmosphere within the group. The workshop is accompanied with worksheets to be used before or after the session. Bring comfortable clothes and shoes to move around freely.
NaukaBezGranic: Scotland through Film, 13.10.15, Katowice.
Have you seen Braveheart? How many other films have you seen that feature Scotland? In this 60 minute interactive workshop you will find out if Scottish people like Mel Gibson, explore this beautiful country and discover its people, language, customs and culture through extracts of different films set in Scotland. Be ready to take part, act out and use your imagination as we transport you to Scotland!
NaukaBezGranic: Accents, or how to sound like a native speaker, 13.10.15, Katowice.
Do you want to improve your accent? Sound more like a native English speaker? In this workshop we will focus on spotting common pronunciation errors made by Polish speakers through a variety of fun exercises focusing on pronunciation and intonation that will help you to feel more confident speaking English.
Drogi Rodzicu, jeżeli Twoje dziecko nie odniosło sukcesu w Ogólnopolskim Badaniu Umiejętności Trzecioklasistów OBUT 2015, to być może, w tym krótkim tekście znajdziesz wyjaśnienie dlaczego tak się stało
NaukaBezGranic: Scottish Ceilidh Dancing with Helena, 12.10.15, Rzeszów.
Do you like to dance? What about singing? In this very active workshop you will have great fun learning the steps to some of Scotland’s traditional dances. When you are tired from dancing, you will take a break and chill out, singing a song!
NaukaBezGranic: Scotland through Film, 12.10.15, Rzeszów.
Have you seen Braveheart? How many other films have you seen that feature Scotland? In this 60 minute interactive workshop you will find out if Scottish people like Mel Gibson, explore this beautiful country and discover its people, language, customs and culture through extracts of different films set in Scotland. Be ready to take part, act out and use your imagination as we transport you to Scotland!
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