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ORE: Jak uczyć języka niemieckiego po niemiecku. Program Delfort, 27.09.14, Krosno.
Projekt DELFORT powstał w roku 2001 i jest realizowany we współpracy Ośrodka Rozwoju Edukacji (do roku 2010 Centralny Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli) oraz Goethe -Institut w Warszawie i Krakowie.
Nowela.pl: Nowość! Sprawdzian szóstoklasisty - j.francuski!
Książka zawiera ćwiczenia, a ponadto opis arkusza egzaminacyjnego, charakterystykę zdań, materiał gramatyczny i leksykalny do powtórzenia przed sprawdzianem, komentarze do zadań oraz wskazanie umiejętności językowych sprawdzanych w każdym typie zadań.
NaukaBezGranic: Great Britain. Wykład z elementem warsztatów, 25.09.14, Katowice.
What do you know about Great Britain? Ok you know something I bet you know quite a lot but what do you really know? We will test you on your knowledge of the history, culture and different peoples of Great Britain by means of a class Quiz Show and as we take all the answers in we will see that we still have many questions to be answered.
MNODN: Metody aktywizujące – zastosowanie i modyfikacje NOWOŚĆ! 27.09.14, Kraków.
Szkolenie warsztatowe prezentujące innowacyjne podejście do metod aktywizujących w szkole. Efektem szkolenia jest bank opracowanych metod i wielu ich modyfikacji
NaukaBezGranic: British English, wykład z elementem warsztatów, 25.09.14, Katowice.
British English?: We thoroughly enjoy the way the Queen speaks. We have heard about the wonderful accents and dialects that differ to standard English from Scotland, Wales and Ireland but what about England itself? They say in England there is a North South divide and in the language there certainly is. In this workshop we will go on a journey through the rich and history-filled language of the other half of England looking at its broad and robust accent, its vocabulary filled with old English and Scandinavian words and try speaking it! After, using prepared dialogues, we will practice our newly learnt Northern English finishing by creating are own scenes and in the process learn something about a different England.
NaukaBezGranic: Great Britain. Wykład z elementem warsztatów, 24.09.14, Kraków.
What do you know about Great Britain? Ok you know something I bet you know quite a lot but what do you really know? We will test you on your knowledge of the history, culture and different peoples of Great Britain by means of a class Quiz Show and as we take all the answers in we will see that we still have many questions to be answered.
Full Kit 4 ET - Przybornik Nauczyciela Maluchów, 27/28.09.14, Poznań/ Kórnik.
Naucz się tuzina Gier, Zabaw, Piosenek i Wierszyków oraz Praktycznych Pomysłów i Trików na zachowanie Dyscypliny oraz sprawne Zarządzanie grupą Dzieci.
NaukaBezGranic: British English, wykład z elementem warsztatów, 24.09.14, Kraków.
British English?: We thoroughly enjoy the way the Queen speaks. We have heard about the wonderful accents and dialects that differ to standard English from Scotland, Wales and Ireland but what about England itself? They say in England there is a North South divide and in the language there certainly is. In this workshop we will go on a journey through the rich and history-filled language of the other half of England looking at its broad and robust accent, its vocabulary filled with old English and Scandinavian words and try speaking it! After, using prepared dialogues, we will practice our newly learnt Northern English finishing by creating are own scenes and in the process learn something about a different England.
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