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Pearson: Online Gaming and Learner Autonomy - szkolenie on-line dla lektorów, 07.11.12.

Pearson: szkoleniach on-line dla lektorów!

07.11.2012, godz. 16:00

Online Gaming and Learner Autonomy, Carol Brown

Children can learn many essential competencies as they play educational games in safe online worlds outside the classroom. One of the most useful competencies is that of autonomous learning, that is, the ability to set oneself learning objectives and pursue them on one's own. In this webinar, the presenter will identify some of these competencies and discuss how the online world of “Our Discovery Island” can enhance traditional language learning by tapping into today's young learners' natural playfulness and love of technology, without creating more work for the teacher.

Rejestracja i szczegóły:

http://www.pearson.pl/angielski/konferencje-szkolenia/szkolenia- online.html 2012-11-01

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