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NaukaBezGranic: Modern Britain, British Eccentrics, The Brutal British Empire...25.04.18, Poznań.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
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25/04/2018 Środa Poznań

9:00 - 10:00 Modern Britain

10:10 - 11:10 British Eccentrics

11:15 - 12:15 The Brutal British Empire

12:20 - 13:20 English but Which English


Event type: Workshop
Facilitator: Ross Mulkern
Minimum age: 11+
Level: Pre-intermediate + / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

Much has been written on the British character; their reservedness, dry wit and emphasis on manners are all well known. For all these understated qualities there is another which has historically the British perhaps more than any other: their own inimitable style of lunacy. Join us as we acquaint ourselves with some of Britain’s most legendary eccentrics, including no less than two men called „Mad Jack”, as well as uncovering the bizarre eccentricities of such seemingly respectable pillars of society as politicians, aristocrats, and even the royal family!

Modern Britain
You probably have an idea of Britain in your head: polite but stuffy people drinking tea and talking about the rain. Everyone loves the Queen, the Scots all wear kilts and Wales is full of miners who sing like Tom Jones. Whilst parts of this are undoubtedly true, modern Britain is actually a fascinatingly diverse place in ways that might surprise you. What is the surprisingly exotic national dish? What do Brits really think of the monarchy? And could we even be close to the end of the United Kingdom as we know it? This session uncovers the answers to all this and more.

English, But Which English?
Event type: Interactive Talk
Facilitator: Nick Clowes
Minimum age: 13+
Level: Preintermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

What is English? The evolution of English is a long and winding road. There is a common ancestor somewhere in the mists of history, but in the modern world there are thousands of variations of English ranging from British RP to Indian English, from Cajun English to South African, from Ponglish to Cockney and everything in between. Many students spend years trying to sound like an ‚authentic’ English speaker. Come along and we will examine what that means and why it might not be as important as you think.

Ross Mulkern jest nauczycielem języka angielskiego i jak prawdziwy Anglik, jest entuzjastą herbaty. Wyruszył do Polski latem 2013 roku w poszukiwaniu przygody i ruskich pierogów. Po trzech latach nadal jest zakochany w swoim przybranym domu i zachwyca się niepowtarzalnymi urokami naszego kraju. W swoim dorobku, oprócz nauczania, ma także różnorodne publikacje m.in. w czasopismach dotyczących skateboardingu i blogach biznesowych. Pisanie jest jego pierwszą miłością, a najwięcej satysfakcji przynosi mu inspirowanie i pobudzanie kreatywności u innych ludzi.

Więcej informacji oraz rezerwacji dokonasz na stronie organizatora:

http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/ 2018-04-15

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