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Macmillan: TEACH BIG Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, 30.01.16, Bielsko-B
Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli
języka angielskiego pod hasłem TEACH BIG

Bielsko-Biała, 30 stycznia (sobota)

Hotel Qubus, ul. Mostowa 2
Trener: dr Monika Cichmińska

Program konferencji

Szkoła podstawowa

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:10
Good, better, best - on the benefits and dangers of assessment in primary school

Assessment and grading come naturally to teachers. After all, that is part of our job. However, assessment with traditional grades may lead to students comparing themselves with one another, and thus losing motivation and confidence when they start to see themselves as worse than others.

Here is when the so-called ‘formative assessment’ (‘ocenianie kształtujące’) comes into play. Recent studies show that it leads to better motivation and atmosphere, and better results. Unlike traditional forms of assessment, it focuses not so much on students’ results, but on the process of learning and teaching. The session will show what elements of formative assessment can be introduced into our everyday practices in the primary English classroom without too much effort. In particular, I will talk about the importance of mistakes and giving feedback, but also setting learner goals. I do hope that you will come along, sample my activities and tips, and give some of them at least a try in your daily teaching afterwards.

Szkoła podstawowa, gimnazjum, szkoły ponadgimnazjalne

11:10 - 11:30
Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja

11:30 - 12:40
Memories are made of this: what, when and why students do or don’t remember

Almost every day we have to face a challenge of convincing our students that in order to learn English, they have to spend a lot of time remembering and revising information. Students often find it boring or de-motivating. Some fall victim of false beliefs about the brain and/or memory, and as a result study ineffectively. If we want to fight both with their (allegedly) bad memories and false convictions, we need to rely on important sources of information - for example, what is a myth and what is a fact about how memories are formed, kept and retrieved.

In the session I will uncover a few facts which will help you understand how memory functions and choose our secret weapons, that is, recycling tools and memory-enhancing tricks. We will look at some of those effective recycling tools and explain why they work, and why sometimes they don’t. We will also take a look at smart ways of coding, recording and revising information - at all levels of education, from primary to secondary. Memory can play tricks on us, but we can make students’ memory work tricks, too.

Szkoły ponadgimnazjalne

12:40 - 13:00
Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja

13:00 - 14:20
On the depth of learning, or what’s lacking in matura preparation

Every year we all wonder what we can do to improve our students’ results in the Use of English component of matura exam, especially at the extended level. The numbers speak louder than words: average students consistently get lower results for their lexico-grammatical competence than what we or they themselves might expect, considering the number of years they have been studying English, or even the results in the other parts of the matura exam.

As the Indian writer Tagore said, “depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance”. It is similar to acquiring lexical-grammatical competence: it’s the depth and variety, not the quantity of activities that matters. Neuroscientists describe this as ‘deep processing’ of information, and that’s what I will focus on in this session, showing practical strategies and activities to teach both grammar and lexical competence. I will also try to convince you that the key to success is not necessarily fancy exercises and time-consuming activities, but simple and effective Polish-friendly techniques which will engage your students both cognitively and emotionally. The session will be illustrated with sample activities from Password, the latest Macmillan course for Polish secondary schools.

Zarejestruj się już teraz:

http://www.macmillan.pl/component/conferences/?task=register&id= 180&miejsce=bielsko-biala 2016-01-19

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