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Macmillan: Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i ponad...,12.02.14, Wrocław.
Wydawnictwo Macmillan
serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i ponadgimnazjalnych

12 lutego (środa) 2014 roku we Wrocławiu
Hotel Scandic, ul. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 49-57

Sesje metodyczne dla nauczycieli j. angielskiego poprowadzą Carol Read i Marta Rosińska

Carol Read
has over 30 years’ experience in English language teaching as a teacher, teacher trainer,
academic manager and materials writer. She has taught students of all ages and levels,
from very young children to adults. Carol’s main specialisation is in primary language teaching and she has run numerous teacher education courses and worked as an educational consultant in many different countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Carol has published extensively in the field of teaching English to young learners, including coursebooks, supplementary materials, online storytelling and CLIL projects, as well as many articles on primary ELT methodology. Carol’s award-winning titles include the first edition of Bugs World (with three co-authors) which won a British Council Innovation Award, 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom which was Highly Commended in the ESU Duke of Edinburgh awards, and the children's reader Is it a Butterfly? which won an Extensive Reading Foundation Award (all published by Macmillan
Education). Her latest publicationis a brand new Macmillan Course for primary children called Tiger. Carol is currently President of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language).

Marta Rosińska
Marta Rosińska is a graduate of Łódź University where she specialized in modern British drama. She also completed Advanced Diploma in Language Teaching Management.
Since the graduation, she has been working for the English Language Centre in Łódź as a teacher, teacher mentor, teacher trainer and, since 2005, the school’s Director of Studies. Marta loves teaching, inventing new class activities and preparing ELT materials. She runs workshops across Poland and is a regular speaker at the international conferences. She is an experienced ESOL examiner of FCE, CAE and CPE and an exam supervisor.

Marta has co-operated with various publishers but for the last 10 years she has been a dedicated member of Macmillan Polska team of authors and trainers. She wrote ForMat Workbooks, ForMat 3 Teacher's Book, testsbooks and additional materials for Inspiration. She also co-authored the two best-selling publications of the Macmillan Repetytorium series: Egzamin gimnazjalny. Repetytorium z testami and Matura.
Repetytorium z testami. Her most recent publication is the new Macmillan Matura course, Matura Masters.


09:30 – 10:00 Rejestracja uczestników
10:00 – 11:20 Sesja dla nauczycieli klas 1–3
Carol Read
Creativity and communication through story and drama

This session shows how a well-managed, whole-child approach to storytelling and drama develops pupils’ potential for creativity and helps them to become confident communicators in English. We will use an integrated combination of storytelling and drama techniques to explore ways to engage children in relevant issues and to link learning English to authentic culture and real content. We will alsoexplore the role of storytelling and drama in developing positive values in today’s world.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowość!
 Tiger 1 książka ucznia
 Tiger 1 zeszyt ćwiczeń

11:20 – 11:30 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

11:30 – 12:50 Sesja dla nauczycieli klas 4–6
Marta Rosińska
Mindful Teaching

Teaching is a thinking profession. We constantly wonder how to best present different aspects of the language to our learners, invent new activities and games to practise what we taught so that our students make as much progress as possible. Grades 4-6
seem particularly demanding here because we deal with young, curious minds whose both linguistic and cognitive abilities are developing very fast. This means that our repertoire of teaching techniques has to be carefully selected to make those minds respond and flourish. On top of this we’ll have to deal with the upcoming sprawdzian which necessitates a well-thought-out programme to focus your learners’ attention on what really matters in real life communication as well as the final test.

Therefore, in this practical session I wish to show what teaching towards sprawdzian szóstoklasisty really involves and how to teach without too much testing. You’ll find out about various revision techniques, using visuals and teaching functional English.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowości do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty!
 Evolution Plus 1 książka ucznia
 New Hot Spot 1 książka ucznia
 Sprawdzian Szóstoklasisty Repetytorium z testami książka nauczyciela
 Strategia sukcesu – unikalny program przygotowania do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty

12:50 – 13:15 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

13:15 – 14:35 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Marta Rosińska
Teaching to Write, Teaching to Text

It is with pleasure that I greet the changes that the new matura exam is to bring about. After years of reflection-deprived exam tasks we go back to what such a serious exam should include, which is tasks that will demand from the learner some logical thinking and text-building skills, especially when it comes to writing. The new assessment criteria clearly emphasise the value of text coherence and cohesion on top of the more standard criteria such as grammatical accuracy and structure variety. This will certainly pose a few problems to students whose writing and text-processing skills are less than desired.

Hence my very practical workshop during which I will be showing plenty of techniques we can apply to teach cohesion and coherence, argument building and thinking! As you will notice the techniques will also be applicable to teaching speaking skills so don’t miss the chance to kill two birds with one activity!

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowości wydawnicze!
 Gateway Plus 4 książka ucznia
 Matura Repetytorium. Poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony. przykładowe strony

Prosimy o dokonanie rejestracji na konferencję poprzez wypełnienie krótkiego formularza on-line.

Zobacz więcej szczegółów:

http://www.macmillan.pl/components/com_conferences/docs/invitati ons/Wroclaw.pdf 2014-02-07

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