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TEACHER TRAINING 2013 - szkolenia w Warszawie, 09.03.13.

Zapraszamy na szkolenia dla nauczycieli, lektorów języka angielskiego a także studentów filologii angielskiej!

Warszawa, Gimnazjum z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi, ul.Twarda 8/12

9/03/2013 MULTIMEDIA IN ELT, part 2 – Bulent Akman [Nie tylko dla tych którzy uczestniczyli w pierwszym szkoleniu Multimedia]

“When is the last time you taught a boring lesson? What haven’t you tried to avoid boring lessons?
Together we’ll start with anti-brainstorming to create the most boring class for middle school students we can imagine. Once we recognize our own bad habits we’ll work together to use natural and electronic media to make our lessons fresh and fun again.
Then we’ll introduce content and language integrated learning as an idea and explore reddit.com, the frontpage of the internet and a great place to find source material for CLIL lessons.
Finally everyone can enjoy language games and lessons from nothing for those days when the projector and/or photocopier breaks down.
Please bring your laptops/tablets/smartphones because who knows what else we’ll find.
Those of you who have attended Bulent’s multimedia workshops before will find plenty of new ideas while going back to one or two ever important hits.”

8 godzin szkolenia = mnóstwo pomysłów do wykorzystania na lekcjach angielskiego!
Godziny zajęć: 10:00 – 11:30, 11:45 – 13:15, 14:30 – 16:00, 16:15 – 17:45
Koszt: 110zł / Karta Pearson Direct: 93zł

Info oraz rezerwacja:

http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/teacher-training-2012-2013/ 2013-03-06

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