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NaukaBezGranic: SCOTLAND: CEILIDH, BAGPIPES AND MAN IN KILT, 17.11.15, Warszawa.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
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17 i 20 listopada – warsztaty z Richiem Mullaney:

BRITISH FESTIVALS AND TRADITIONS Richie Mullaney brings us through a top few of his neighbours weird & wonderful customs & traditions. Britain has a rich history of multicultural influences which have led to an extraordinary amount of bizarre traditions between the three countries, but which country out does them all? We’ll compare the three countries top customs and try some out for ourselves! A little sneak peek to the agenda, we’ve got cheese rolling, Morris dancing, Hocktide, pancake racing & bog snorkelling! Up Helly Aa, Haxey Hood & Beltane....what are these? Let's look at some of the oldest festivals in human history, celebrated exclusively in the United Kingdom!

MULTICULTURAL BRITAIN Britain like many countries in Europe has a rich history of multiculturalism partly growing from the ashes of its once fading empire which has now ceased to be. But what has grown from those ashes is a country rich in variety for anybody visiting or living there, from the allure of the Asian restaurants to the stardom of its sportsman and athletes of African descent and many more examples to be seen. With Richie Mullaney, we will see how it has affected our every day-to-day life with its connection to language and how we use it. We will learn about political correctness; what is it? The correct terminology for the different ethnic groups, see how their language has been borrowed and now accepted as English and the vast collection of different cultures this language has come from.

17 listopada – warsztat z Donniem Nicolsonem

SCOTLAND: CEILIDH, BAGPIPES AND MAN IN KILT Donnie Nicolson will bring you a taste of Scotland through Group Dances, Music, Song, Humour, and Stories. Students should expect an interactive experience, where they will participate in easy circle and line dances, sing traditional (and not so traditional) songs and perhaps help to act out scenes in stories from Scotland’s rich store of folklore. Donnie is a singer, musician, comedian, lecturer & English teacher from Fort William. He also plays the Great Highland Bagpipes!

18zł/uczeń/warsztat z Richiem
28zł/uczeń/dwa warsztaty jednego dnia z Richiem
22zł/uczeń warsztat Scotland: Ceilidh, Bagpipes and Man in Kilt

Rezerwacja on-line: http://naukabezgranic.pl/index.php/rezerwacja/

Kontakt: info@naukabezgranic.pl ; naukabezgranic@gmail.com

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http://www.naukabezgranic.pl 2015-11-08

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