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NaukaBezGranic: Kids Day Fun and Games with Richie, 24.05.16. Rzeszów.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
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Kids Day Fun and Games with Richie

24/05 Rzeszów 9:00-10:00

Forma: Warsztat

Prowadzenie: Richard Mullaney

Grupa wiekowa: 10-14

Poziom językowy: Elementary / Preintermediate / Intermediate

Czas trwania: 60min


Children’s Day is celebrated every year in many places around the world to honour children globally. We celebrate this wonderful day with playing games in English. Play is the most comfortable form of learning for both children and adults because it is a natural behaviour that is driven by curiosity and creativity. The hands-on, interactive games inspire children to make discoveries about their world using play experiences. Our interactive English activities peak their interest, gain self-esteem and encourage subconscious language learning through fun and laughter.

Rejestracja oraz zawsze aktualne informacje na stronie organizatora:

http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/ 2016-05-21

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