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NaukaBezGranic: Festivals and Traditions in the UK, the USA and in South Africa, 03.12.18, Katowice.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
zaprasza na:

03/12/2018 Poniedziałek Katowice

9:00 - 10:00 Festivals and Traditions in the UK, the USA and in South Africa

10:15 - 11:15 The USA and South Africa: San Francisco vs. Cape Town

11:30 - 12:30 British, American and South African Icons

12:45 - 13:45 Festivals and Traditions in the UK, the USA and in South Africa

USA and South Africa: San Francisco vs. Cape Town
Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age: 10-17
Level: Pre-Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Time: 60 min

Lets explore the cultural language and lifestyle of the USA and South Africa.

Come join us as we travel across 3 oceans to tour the 2 beautiful hippy, hilly, mountainous, grapey, tech, island-ish, rich coastal twin cities of San Francisco, California, US and Cape Town, Western Cape, SA.

This workshop will explore modern English language cool, hippy, slang. Learn to speak like a native.

Festivals and Traditions in the UK, USA and SA
Event Type: Workshop
Facilitator: Andiswa Ndlazi
Age: 10 -16
Level: Pre-Intermediate – Upper Intermediate+
Time: 60 min

Lets go on a magical and haunting journey of traditions and festivals of the English countries from Guy Fawkes, Halloween, Christmas to the Second New Year Festival and other National Arts Festivals.

This workshop will focus on vocabulary and fluency in a light fun style.

Więcej informacji oraz rezerwacji dokonasz na stronie organizatora:

http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/ 2018-11-18

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