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NaukaBezGranic - American Myths and Legends, 01.06.18, Kraków
American Myths and Legends

Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Hans Egelhoff
Minimum age: 10 – 17
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate plus
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

1 czerwca 2018:

American Myths and Legends, or American Tall Tales, is a look at the legends and myths of the United States. The lecture will include historical background, context, and basis of the legends and their importance in American life today. The presentation includes illustrations to help students follow the stories and achieve greater comprehension. A wide range of vocabulary will be introduced, with a particular emphasis on American English words and expressions. Audience participation will be encouraged and there will be a couple of traditional American games, which students can take part in.

http://naukabezgranic.pl/ 2018-05-28

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