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Monika Cichmińska: From chunks to structure: on the importance of "środki językowe"
Macmillan Small Talks (big ideas) - nowatorskie wideo-szkolenia metodyczne. Tylko 20 minut!

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Monika Cichmińska: From chunks to structure: on the importance of "środki językowe"

Streszczenie sesji

In the session I want to demonstrate that the key to effective teaching and learning a language may lie in grammar and vocabulary "hidden" in all kinds of lexical phrases, and that in teaching in this sector we need to focus more on lexical chunks and functional language. I’ll argue that it is not only a successful long-term strategy for learning both grammar and vocabulary, but that it will also allow students to prepare effectively for Sprawdzian szóstoklasisty.

Zobacz więcej:

http://www.macmillan.pl/szkolenia/small-talks/3336-from-chunks-t o-structure 2015-09-03

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