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Macmillan Small Talks: Czesław Kiński i Jacek Łagun - Back to basics: key skills for egzamin...

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Czesław Kiński i Jacek Łagun - Back to basics: key skills for egzamin gimnazjalny

Streszczenie sesji

The results of last year’s Egzamin Gimnazjalny seem to confirm a truth that we’ve known for a long time: students whose passive language competence is relatively well-developed don’t do just as well in the Use of English part. In the light of those results, there seems to be a need to devote a sufficient amount of time to teaching language resources.

We believe that the answer to the problem lies in a smart combination of inductive teaching and deliberate practice. To illustrate this, we’ll focus on three task types from the extended exam, analyze the problems lying therein and provide practical solutions to overcoming these problems.

Zobacz więcej:

http://www.macmillan.pl/szkolenia/small-talks/3335-back-to-basic -key-skills-for-egzamin-gimnazjalny 2015-09-02

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