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Macmillan: TEACH BIG Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, 29.01.16, Bydgoszcz
Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego pod hasłem TEACH BIG

Bydgoszcz, 29 stycznia (piątek)

Hotel Słoneczny Młyn, ul. Jagiellońska 96
Trener: Marta Rosińska

Sesje metodyczne poprowadzi doświadczona trenerka, nauczycielka, autorka podręczników oraz publikacji metodycznych Marta Rosińska


09.30 – 10.00 Rejestracja uczestników

10.00 – 11.10 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej
Supportive assessment in the lower-primary classroom!
Materiały konferencyjne:  Ocenianie kształtujące. Praktyczny przewodnik dla anglisty.

11.10 – 11.30 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

11.30 – 12.40 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej, gimnazjum oraz szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Making it stick - on how to make learners remember more.
Materiały konferencyjne:  Train your Brain.
Ideas and activities for remembering easily and revising wisely.

12.40 – 13.00 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

13.00 – 14.20
Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
Using the right password. English in use with upper secondary learners.
Materiały konferencyjne:  Nowość! Password 2 książka ucznia
 Let’s Play Use of English for Matura. Zestaw ćwiczeń w formie gier.

Prosimy o dokonanie rejestracji na konferencję poprzez wypełnienie krótkiego formularza on-line.

Marta Rosińska


Supportive assessment in the lower-primary classroom!
Recent recommendations from the Ministry of Education clearly encourage primary school teachers to reflect on their
classroom behaviour and enrich their assessment practices by incorporating the elements of the so-called formative assessment (‘ocenianie kształtujące’). The premise behind this welcome innovation is to enable the teachers to help their learners grow as confident language learners as well as self-assured young individuals in a non-threatening, assessment-rich but evaluationlight(er) environment.
Therefore, in my session I will focus on a number of issues related to the effective implementation of formative assessment and its components at the primary level. First of all, I will discuss a number of ways in which both the learners and the teachers may benefit from adopting the selected elements of this approach. I will also demonstrate how such an approach supports the child’s linguistic, cognitive, emotional and social development. To this end, I will concentrate in particular on various practical techniques of organizing class work, giving feedback, assessing the learner’s efforts and contributions, as well as on setting lesson goals that
go beyond language learning. Come to learn and share ideas on how to be a forward-thinking teacher and educator!


Making it stick - on how to make learners remember more
Now that we feel familiar with all the new formats of the school leaving language exams and their assessment criteria, we can
concentrate on creating the best possible strategies to help our learners tackle various exam tasks confidently. It goes without
saying that one of the aspects of efficient learning and ultimately successful exam performance is the student’s ability to remember and retrieve the language when necessary. Thus, as teachers we must strive to find ways in which we can make the language more memorable and more retrievable.
Therefore, in this hands-on session I would like to draw on the science of learning, and show how to develop linguistic memory, how to make use of mnemonic techniques, and finally how to create the right classroom conditions for the language to be remembered better. I will also present a number of recycling and revision activities which contribute to the more effective memorization of the items taught such as language processing tasks, ideas for peer-assessment and language games.
This workshop will be useful to teachers preparing their students for all types of exams as the activities presented will be as universal as possible.


Using the right password. English in use with upper secondary learners
The latest analysis of the Matura exam results shows yet again that the greatest challenge for most learners lies in their poor
knowledge and management of vocabulary, fixed expressions, functional English items and more demanding grammar tested in the English in Use section. The students’ less than desired performance in this part of the exam may be caused by a number of factors, from the general difficulty of coping with a variety of the language areas tested, novelty of some exam tasks or simply insufficient exposure to the types of items tested. So, it seems that what we need in response to these problems is a more systematic and ‘Polish learner-friendly’ programme of teaching vocabulary and grammar in the context of the Matura tasks as well as a clever way of incorporating the necessary language in non-exam tasks.
Hence this session, whose main aim is to demonstrate varied and creative ways of working with English in Use tasks at both
basic and extended levels. My presentation will be full of practical ideas to help you reach your learners through the material which is useful, motivating, and above all relevant to their needs. If you would like to see how to revise the language through a variety of English in Use tasks and their derivatives, this workshop is certainly for you. Some illustration for all this will come from Password, the new flagship course for Polish upper secondary students.

Zarejestruj się teraz >>

http://www.macmillan.pl/component/conferences/?task=register&id= 174&miejsce=bydgoszcz 2016-01-18

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