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Macmillan: Stories & Scaffolded Learning - Viv Lambert, darmowe webinarium, 16.03.16.
Stories & Scaffolded Learning - Viv Lambert



Viv Lambert cropped

Who is it for?

This webinar is aimed at ELT teachers and professionals working with young learners.


Viv Lambert discusses the importance of scaffolding a lesson and how this approach enables you to teach in a classroom with mixed abilities, ensuring you stretch both the least and most able. There first session will be at 09:00 and then repeated at 14:00 (UK time). Both sessions will last around an hour with the opportunity for questions at the end. Certificates can be downloaded near the end of the webinar.

Register and more details:

http://www.macmillanenglish.com/events-stories-and-scaffolded-le arning/ 2016-03-11

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