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Lang Teacher Training Centre: TKT CLIL PRIMARY course – spring 2019 edition, 23-24.02.19, Warszawa
TKT CLIL PRIMARY course – spring 2019 edition

TKT CLIL PRIMARY course is designed for teachers of young learners (aged 6-12) - primary school pupils
Dates: 23-24.02, 02-03.03 & 09-10.03.2019
Venue: Warsaw, Al.Niepodległości 217 lok.8

Add a new teaching skill to your portfolio!
Learn to plan and run lessons which combine English and other subjects taught in English!
Share lesson ideas with the course participants - teachers of English and other subjects in English!
Get an international qualification from Cambridge English!

How is the course organised?
6-10 hours of self-study practice: online
3 weekends ( = 6 training days in Warsaw) 10:30 – 16:50
5 training hours a day (150 minutes * lunchtime break * 150 minutes)
6 hours of self-study practice: prepping for TKT CLIL exam
30 hours of inspiring hands-on workshops to learn about CLIL methods and design CLIL materials
12 hours of designing lesson plan project (individual or group assignment)
80-minute TKT CLIL exam session [optional]
Learn more & register:

http://tt.lang.com.pl/ 2019-02-08

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