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NaukaBezGranic zaprasza na monodram Joe's Birthday 16 czerwca w Warszawie

zaprasza na MONODRAM w języku angielskim
dla uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych

Joe's Birthday
'a story about going off-line'
Reżyseria i obsada: John Cudak
Warszawa 16 czerwca 2011
Okęcka Sala Widowiskowa, ul. 1 Sierpnia 36a
Spektakl: 12:30 - 13:30
Bilety: uczniowie 20 zł. Nauczyciele i opiekunowie gratis.

Istnieje również możliwość zorganizowania monodramu u Państwa w szkole
w terminie dogodnym dla Państwa.

Zapisy: mailem pod adresem info@naukabezgranic.pl Informacja tel.: 663 741 612

JOE'S BIRTHDAY: What happens when you mix Internet addiction with poor career choices and mid-life crisis? You end up with Joe Kowalski, a lonely and angry insurance representative who passionately hates his job yet can't stand the thought of being replaced by a younger woman. Set in today's digital world, Joe's Birthday is a story about going off-line and re-connecting with who you really are. It's a chance to ask yourself some difficult questions like: Will I end up unhappy and miserable like this guy? What do I want to do with my life? How should I choose my career? What does it mean to be a looser (or winner)? Will money buy me happiness? Am I hooked or just connected? Joe may not give you any answers, but he will definitely make you think, and possibly make you laugh and shed a tear or two as well. Pre-show materials include an Internet addiction questionnaire and a worksheet on the benefits and shortfalls of on-line social networks. http://www.naukabezgranic.pl/joe-s-birthday.html There will be a discussion and question and answer opportunity at the end of the show.

JOHN CUDAK: Born and raised in Chicago, John Cudak now resides in Warsaw where he is executive director of Beit Warszawa Jewish Cultural Organization. He holds a graduate degree in business administration and is currently involved with several European multicultural and interfaith organizations in promoting tolerance education in Poland. John first came to Poland in 1968 at the age of six, and spent most of his childhood summer vacations here. After completing two years at the Warsaw University of Technology, he went back the States to pursue theatrical design interests and worked as stage carpenter and special event organizer in New York City. John has also great experience working as a an English teacher specializing in Drama Techniques.

http://www.NaukaBezGranic.pl 2011-05-26

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