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Macmillan: Small Talks (big ideas) -A Grammar Engine for the New Oral Matura - dostepne od 30.08.12
Macmillan Small Talks (big ideas) - nowatorska forma krótkich wideo-szkoleń metodycznych. Tylko 20 minut!

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Dr Monika Cichmińska:

A Grammar Engine for the New Oral Matura – Practical Implications

Liceum, szkolenie dostępne w sieci od 30.08.2012

One of the tasks of an exam teacher, mo matter what the exam in question, is to demonstrate to his students that the exam is – to some extent – predictable, both in terms of the form and the linguistic resources involved. In his “Macmillan Small Talk” session, dr Grzegorz Śpiewak uncovered the grammar engine behind the new oral matura and discussed the problem areas of the new exam.

In my talk, I will discuss a few principles of effective exam preparation and offer a number of practical solutions on how to help the students deal with those difficulties. Once the students know what is expected of them, it’s easier to give them a step-by-step preparation and help them build up the confidence and the “yes, I can” approach. .

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