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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

20 luty
Hotel Tarnovia
ul. Kościuszki 10, Tarnów

Serdecznie zapraszamy nauczycieli języka angielskiego na warsztaty metodyczne z wykorzystaniem
• w godz. 11.00-12.15 dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych
Primary Teaching with a Touch of Magic!

EGIS & Express Publishing are proud to present Fairyland, a new series of coursebooks for Polish primary schools. Teachers looking for fresh and inspiring ways of teaching are invited to join our presentation and find out about this revolutionary course, which combines the latest trends in methodology with the world of fantasy and thus makes learning a rewarding experience for both teachers and pupils alike.
During this presentation teachers will have a chance to learn more about the course and its components. One of them deserves special attention: Fairyland Interactive Whiteboard Software. It uses up-to-date technology, which helps capture students’ attention and increases real teaching time. The mixture of education, technology and entertainment is our recipe for efficient and attractive teaching. Join us and feel the magic!
• w godz.
seminarium angielski .
13.00-14.00 dla nauczycieli gimnazjów
Prepare for EGZAMIN GIMNAZJALNY with ACCESS – the Most ACCESSible Teenage Course!

Egzamin gimnazjalny has recently become a priority for gimnazjum students and teachers in Poland. EGIS and Express Publishing intend to help them prepare for this challenge, and have a great pleasure to introduce Access – a new series of coursebooks specifically designed to cater for the needs of Polish teachers and students.
This session will explore the potential of Access as a course preparing not only for egzamin gimnazjalny, but also for real life usage of the language. Apart from examples of novel and unique activities, we will also demonstrate Access Interactive Whiteboard Software, which can transform any classroom into a modern language laboratory and make teaching more attractive for both teenagers and their teachers.
• w godz. 14.30-15.30 dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD – New Technology in the ELT Classroom

The electronic interactive whiteboard is a presentation device that interfaces with a computer. The computer images are displayed on the board by a digital projector, where they can be seen and manipulated. Using the example of Upstream Interactive Whiteboard Software by Express Publishing, we would like to show that the interactive whiteboard can be a powerful instructional tool and can be successfully used in the classroom to help teachers teach and students learn.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .


JENNY DOOLEY is a graduate from the University of Wales, Swansea and holds an M.Ed. (Master of Education). She has been a teacher, a teacher trainer and an author in the EFL field for more than 15 years. She has travelled extensively, delivering seminars and holding workshops in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. She currently holds the position of Director of Studies in one of the piloting schools used by Express Publishing and is also the president of a centre which runs Cambridge ESOL Exams. On a practical level she has been actively involved in the creation of children theatre groups which aim at stimulating young learners’ imaginations while enhancing their English language learning. She is currently involved in the development of material for young learners and is a prolific author whose name is associated with numerous Express Publishing titles.

ALICJA CHOLEWA-ZAWADZKA is a graduate from the University of Silesia – she holds an M.A. degree in linguistics – and completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Economics in Katowice. Alicja is a former DOS and her teaching practice includes nearly all age groups, levels and course types. She has worked as an EFL and ESP teacher as well as ran tailored courses, esp. in Business English and Legal English.
seminarium angielski .
As a teacher trainer for Egis and Express Publishing she has given a huge number of presentations, workshops and seminars for teachers of English all over Poland. Alicja’s professional focus is on teaching vocabulary and using multimedia and drama in ELT classroom. In her private life, she loves skiing and snorkelling.

MONIKA LECH has been exploring the Polish ELT market for over four years now, both from the teacher’s and publisher’s perspective. She got her M.A. from the English Department of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, where she started her career as a teacher of English in private language schools as well as a representative for Egis and Express Publishing in the region of Lublin. She then moved to Warsaw, where she currently lives and works as an ELT Consultant for Egis and Express Publishing. As a regular presenter and trainer, she can combine her two biggest passions: English and travelling.

RAFAŁ PIOTR KARWACKI is a graduate from the English Language and Linguistics Department of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. For several years he has been working for Egis/Express Publishing as a Methodological Consultant. His professional interests include both rhetorical and communicative approaches towards language. Since 1996 he has participated in a plethora of theatre projects, a hobby to which he devotes most of his spare time.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2008-02-20
Organizator: Express Publishing
Miejsce: TARNÓW