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British Council Poland & DOS-TTS zapraszają na warsztaty: nowoczesne technologie w nauczaniu.
ciekawostki z angielski

British Council Poland & DOS-TTS

Super-intensywne warsztaty z zakresu nowoczesnych technologii w nauczaniu języka angielskiego.

Aren’t you often frustrated when you hear that there are apparently all those great things that you could do with modern technologies, hundreds of websites, loads of free software, screen-fuls of e-resources to dip into…? Do you ever suffer from a terror of choice: there is so much to see and check that you get overwhelmed? Have you ever thought: if only there was someone I could trust to pre-select the real goodies for me, then demonstrate them, help me to try out things for myself, and share some ideas about how to exploit them in my English classroom… Too good to be true?

That’s precisely where TECH-TEACH-TECH comes in:
super-intensive, hands-on workshops on how to make modern technologies really work in your language classroom
brought to you jointly by British Council Poland & DOS-TTS

• no dry lectures – quick introductions and a lot of time for you to do the clicking, ask lots of questions, get instant help, and experience each of the technologies and resources

• no nonsense - all technologies & resources that we show have been tried and tested: they’ve worked for us so we hope they’ll work for you, too 

• no web freaks – we are not web fanatics but normal teachers who just want technology to help our teaching, not replace it! We always ask: ok, it’s an interesting technology, but can I do with it when I teach English??

• no crowds - two colleagues per computer – for you to really try things out and get any necessary peer support.

Terminy warsztatów:

WARSZAWA, Sun November 16
ŁÓDŹ, Sun November 30
POZNAŃ [to be confirmed]
GDAŃSK, Sat December 6
KRAKÓW, Sat December 6
WROCŁAW, Sat November 29
OLSZTYN [to be confirmed]
LUBLIN, Sat November 22
TORUŃ [to be confirmed]
CZĘSTOCHOWA, Sat November 15
BIELSKO-BIAŁA, Sun November 30
RADOM, Sat November 29
ZABRZE, Sat November 15

Szczegóły w kalendarzu szkoleń na www.szukaj-lektora.pl oraz na stronie:

język angielski