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O.U.P i Pearson: XVIII Forum Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego 27-28.11.12 r. Kraków.

Oxford University Press oraz Pearson
we współpracy z Małopolskim Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

zapraszają na
XVIII Forum Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego
27-28 listopada 2012 r.

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie
ul. Podchorążych 2, Aula

27 listopada - dzień


10:00 – 11:00
11:00 – 11:30
Uroczyste otwarcie, Mariusz Stinia - prezentacja oferty MCDN, prezentacja wydawnictw Pearson oraz Oxford University Press
11:30 – 12:30
The adventures of an e-teacher, Radek Krzyżanowski

Have you ever been inundated with the mounting pile of tests waiting to be marked, thinking: is that really necessary? Has it ever occurred to you that your students speak an unknown language and live in a slightly different reality? Well, the world is changing far more rapidly than most people realize. How do we keep up? How to speak our students’ language? And last but not least, how to make our teaching more effective? In this talk, we will look at all these burning issues and provide you with a neat recipe for success. Interested?

12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
Meeting Students' Needs in Our Diverse Classrooms, Olha Madylus

How can we meet students’ needs to the best of our ability, ensuring that each child is equally engaged, challenged and supported? This is the great challenge for teachers today and this presentation aims to address the complex questions that it raises.
We will explore what exactly the needs of our students are beyond the most obvious linguistic ones. We will also address their complex social, emotional and personal needs, as these directly affect their motivation and ability to learn.
The concept of mixed ability / mixed classes is one area that will be examined, so that there is clarity about what the various challenges are. When we talk of mixed classes we are in fact not just talking about ability but also speed, confidence and group dynamics, for example. In such a discussion it will be appropriate to look at the relevance of Multiple Intelligence theory, too.
This more theoretical exploration will lead us to the heart of the matter: how we can apply this knowledge to plan and deliver lessons to every individual student in a class. A variety of strategies and tasks will be presented and analysed.

28 listopada - dzień PEARSON

10:00 – 11:00
11:00 – 11:15
Uroczyste otwarcie
11:15 – 12:15
Grammar Practice is Boring – or is it?, Daniel Brayshaw

For many of us, the word ‘grammar’ does little to excite the senses – in fact it often provokes the opposite reaction. Some may associate grammar learning as being little more than boring written gapfills - but this is 2012, and things do not need to be this way. The technological revolution has done much to broaden the range of resources at our disposal – and this session will be looking at how blended learning – a mixture of classroom study and online learning – can provide inspiration, motivation and a memorable learning experience for even the greatest of grammar–sceptics! The session will be illustrated with material from MyGrammarLab - Pearson’s innovative new blended learning resource.

12:15 – 12:45
12:45 – 14:00
Assessing the Sprawdzian Szóstoklasisty:
what we know, what we can surmise and what can do to get ready, Peter Moran

This session will take a look at the planned sprawdzian szóstoklasisty, summarising what we know about the test, what we can expect and reflecting on what we can do to best prepare our learners for it. The session will include a balance of information about the planned test and practical classroom ideas with an emphasis on the latter, showing how we can include test practice in our lessons in a fun and stress-free manner

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