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NaukaBezGranic: Multicultural Britain, warsztat dla grup z nauczycielem, 03.03.16, Lublin.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
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Multicultural Britain

03/03 Lublin 9:00-10:00

Forma: Warsztaty

Prowadzenie: Richie Mullaney

Grupa wiekowa: 10+ [warsztaty są dostosowywane do wieku słuchacza]

Poziom językowy: Preintermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate

Czas trwania: 60min


Britain like many countries in Europe has a rich history of multiculturalism partly growing from the ashes of its once fading empire which has now ceased to be. But what has grown from those ashes is a country rich in variety for anybody visiting or living there, from the allure of the Asian restaurants to the stardom of its sportsman and athletes of African descent and many more examples to be seen.

With Richie Mullaney, we will see how it has affected our every day-to-day life with its connection to language and how we use it. We will learn about political correctness; what is it? The correct terminology for the different ethnic groups, see how their language has been borrowed and now accepted as English and the vast collection of different cultures this language has come from.


Richie Mullaney is our charismatic Irishman, he has been working with NaukaBezGranic since 2008. After finishing college (Youth & Community Work) he started working full-time with NaukaBezGranic doing a range of different workshops and also performing in the Wild About Oscar play. Each summer he has worked for a variety of summer schools in Scotland and England both, as part of the Activities team, and later management. This included running Ceilí dances, Discos, excursions to various different cites, all with groups of 50-150 students. For the past two years he has been working as a restaurant manager in one of Dublin’s busiest bars, House Dublin. However, he is now back in Poland to continue following his passion of working with young people.

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