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NaukaBezGranic: NEW YEAR’S FUN AND GAMES, warsztaty, 14.01.14, Łódź.


14/01/2014 ŁÓDŹ – British Centre, ul. Pomorska 140

09:00-10:00; 11:30-12:30 NEW YEAR’S FUN AND GAMES - take part in New Year’s celebrations the way people in English speaking countries do it.

10:15-11:15 AUSTRALIA - Many explorers, including Marco Polo, talked of „a great southern land”. That land was Australia. There are a million questions that come to mind when we think of Australia and a million facts to discover because, let’s face it, we all know a multitude of facts about the UK and the U.S. but what do we know about the far and very distant land of „oz”. It is by far one of the most beautiful countries in the world with every type of exotic landscape you can think of from rainforests to deserts and long golden beaches. It is also a multi ethnic society consisting mainly of the white population descending from Britain and Ireland and the indigenous Australians, the original people. A country with two very different cultures colliding on an island on the bottom of the world. So let’s waste no more time, it’s a very BIG island and there is lots to see. We will go on a rollercoaster tour of Australia and its states. As we cruise around Oz we will see its history, discover the dark side of British colonialism, learn how to speak like an „ozzie”, try speaking in the mysterious language of the „aborigines” whilst discovering their culture and religion on a workshop about Australia. Famed for its sport, would not be complete without meeting its stars especially of that unusual sport cricket. With songs, strange sounds, leg brake bowling (what?!) and lots more we will top it all off with a quiz, so you will leave truly an expert of „Terra Australis Incognita„.

12:45-13:45 BRITAIN: FESTIVALS AND TRADITIONS - Festivals are filled with music, singing and dancing and Britain is no different. Like every country it also has a rich source of traditions young and old to draw from. But Britain is also made up of 4 different countries or states each with its own personal identity, customs language and culture which makes it a rich place to examine when thinking of the happy Yule tide ahead of us. So as we hop around the Isles during our little show we will see a side of Britain you may have missed. We are not only going to discover the Christmas, Easter and other celebrations of England but also Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland. We will see that Scottish Hogmanay is not the same as the other New Years and belt out some of Rabbie Burns “Auld Lang Syne” the Scottish Hogmanay hymn. Listen to a perfect, soft Welsh poem of Christmas by Dylan Thomas performed in the Welsh accent, meet the politics of the past in autumn’s Bonfire night and with Christmas round the corner it wouldn’t be right to deny ourselves a good sing song with some Christmas carols.

Prowadzenie: Simeon Wren, absolwent Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama w Glasgow, pochodzi z Manchesteru w północnej Anglii, ale mieszka i pracuje w Bielsku-Białej. Po studiach zdobył kwalifikacje uniwersytetu w Cambridge do nauczania języka angielskiego i od siedmiu lat pracuje jako nauczyciel.

Bilety: 18 zł/uczeń/warsztat (16zł Pearson Direct) lub 28zł/uczeń/2 warsztaty 1 dnia (25zł Pearson Direct)

Email: info@naukabezgranic.pl

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