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NaukaBezGranic: Mad Science Show 
or Men in Labcoats, 23.11.16, Warszawa.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
zaprasza na:

MAD SCIENCE SHOW z Nickiem Clowes i Rossem Mulkernem

Mad Science Show 
or Men in Labcoats

10/11 Warszawa • 16/11 Kraków
17/11 Rzeszów • 23/11 Warszawa
24/11 Łódź • 30/11 Katowice
1/12 Poznań

For centuries scientists have helped us understand the world we live in and even taken us beyond it. Frequently they have also been completely mad! In this workshop we explore the lives and lunacies of some of the most deranged characters ever to don a labcoat. We will look at the science behind some of history's most gruesome, gross or otherwise oddball experiments and even show you how to recreate them at home. All in the name of science, of course!

Bilety: 22 zł/uczeń
Rezerwacja na wydarzenia otwarte: http://naukabezgranic.pl/rezerwacja
MAD SCIENCE w Państwa szkole: naukabezgranic@gmail.com

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