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NaukaBezGranic: Improv Comedy: Keep Going, Expectaion and Surprise , 18.01.2019, W-wa.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
zaprasza na:

18/01/2019 Piątek Warszawa

10:00 - 11:00 Improv Comedy: Keep Going

11:15 - 12:15 Improv Comedy: Expectaion and Surprise

12:30 - 13:30 Improv Comedy: Keep Going

Keep Going: The Beautiful Accident of Improv Comedy
Event type: Improv drama workshop
Facilitator: Bulent Akman
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On-demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

Keep Going: The Beautiful Accident of Improv Comedy is a 60-minute improv session based on the work of Tiny Fey. We learn the rules of Improv, practice Improv in English and get feedback. And it is fun! Keywords for this workshop are: Agree, Say, Yes, Add, Detail, Keep Going, Spontaneous, Casual, Mindful, Outcomes, Unconcerned, Brave, Imaginative, Positive.

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