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NaukaBezGranic: England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, 05.03.18, Rzeszów.

NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny
zaprasza na:

5/03/2018 Poniedziałek Rzeszów

9:00 - 10:00 England

10:15 - 11:15 Ireland

11:30 - 12:30 Northern Ireland

12:45 - 13:45 Scotland

Ross Mulkern jest nauczycielem języka angielskiego i jak prawdziwy Anglik, jest entuzjastą herbaty. Wyruszył do Polski latem 2013 roku w poszukiwaniu przygody i ruskich pierogów. Po trzech latach nadal jest zakochany w swoim przybranym domu i zachwyca się niepowtarzalnymi urokami naszego kraju. W swoim dorobku, oprócz nauczania, ma także różnorodne publikacje m.in. w czasopismach dotyczących skateboardingu i blogach biznesowych. Pisanie jest jego pierwszą miłością, a najwięcej satysfakcji przynosi mu inspirowanie i pobudzanie kreatywności u innych ludzi.

Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Ross Mulkern
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

From Boudica to Brexit, this interactive session explores the history and culture that has shaped the identity of England as it exists today. Over the course of an hour we will cover many of the peculiar particularities that make the English so famously eccentric and answer many of the questions we’re sure you’ve been dying to ask: What makes England different from Britain, or the UK for that matter? Who were the Anglo-Saxons? How do you pronounce Leicester? And most importantly, what does it mean to be “chuffed”, “gobsmacked” or “at Her Majesty’s pleasure”? By the end of the workshop we will have explored history, culture and language with energy and humour to answer once and for all the fundamental question, “What is England?”

Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Ross Mulkern
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

A land of ancient history, stunning landscapes and an irrepressible spirit that has survived even in the toughest of times, the so-called “Emerald Isle” is a country which rarely fails to charm any lucky enough to visit. In this session we will cross the Irish Sea to explore the nation that, despite its small size, has made a huge impact on the worlds of music, literature and budget airlines. This interactive session provides answers to such questions as “What is the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland?”, “What is ‘Hurling’?” and “How have they won Eurovision so many times?” By the end of the workshop we will have explored history, culture and language, all with energy and humour, to answer the fundamental question, “What is Ireland?”

Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Ross Mulkern
Minimum age: 13+
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

This session explores one of the darkest chapters in Ireland’s long history – The Troubles. Throughout the second half of the 20th Century, life in Northern Ireland was blighted by sectarian violence that began with blood on the streets and ended with communities bitterly divided – both politically and literally. We will examine the causes and effects of significant events, from the roots of the conflict, through the Easter Rising and Bloody Sunday, up to the imperfect peace of the Good Friday agreement. We will also look at some of the key players on both sides of the conflict, exploring the roles played politics, paramilitaries, history and religion in a series of events which continue to have relevance today.

Event type: Interactive talk
Facilitator: Ross Mulkern
Minimum age: 10+
Level: Pre-intermediate / Intermediate / Upper-intermediate
Time: 60 min.
* On demand contents, level and timing can be tailored to groups’ needs.

Bagpipes, blue-faced warriors and deep fried Mars bars: just a few of the things that might come to mind when you think of Scotland. This session takes the audience on a journey through the culture, history and, indeed, cuisine of the most northern British nation to discover the answers to such fundamental questions as “Where did the Scots come from?”, “How do you toss a caber?” and “Why do they read poetry to their dinner?”. The session goes on to explore some of the great Scottish inventions that have revolutionised the way we live, along with other ways that Scotland has influenced the world. Finally, in preparation for your first visit to the land of William Wallace we will be learning to speak Scots, dress like a Highlander and take part in some traditional national sports.

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