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Macmillan: TEACH BIG Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, 27.01.16,Sandomierz
Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli
języka angielskiego pod hasłem TEACH BIG

Sandomierz, 27 stycznia (środa)

Hotel Sarmata, ul. Zawichojska 2
Trener: dr Grzegorz Śpiewak

Program konferencji

Szkoła podstawowa

09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:10
A journey up. Assessment FOR learning in the primary English classroom

dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
A journey up. Assessment FOR learning in the primary English classroom
Assessment, evaluation and, above all, grading have always been an indispensable part of school life, as instruments of objectivity, fairness, and transparency. Or so the orthodox position is. Interestingly, it has been subject to quite a bit of criticism, including the recent recommendation from the Ministry of Education, urging us as professionals to increase the range of evaluation techniques and tools, and thus go beyond the traditional assessment of learning. Why would this make sense as a feature of a modern foreign language programme in primary school? Who is to benefit, where are the potential pitfalls - and above all, why might it make sense for you to give it a fair try?

That’s what I intend to tackle in this session, in an attempt to apply the principles of the so-called ‘formative assessment’ (or ‘ocenianie kształtujące’) to the everyday reality of teaching English in Polish primary schools. I’ll go way beyond descriptive grading and offer a whole range of practical tools and tips for communicating lesson goals, providing feedback, encouraging peer assessment, reacting to language errors, and praising students. My overall aim will be to demonstrate how smart, humanistic, process - rather than product-oriented assessment can be crucial FOR effective language learning and student well-being at school.

Szkoła podstawowa, gimnazjum, szkoły ponadgimnazjalne

11:10 - 11:30
Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja

11:30 - 12:40
Forget me not! How to revise smartly and remember more

dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
Forget me not! How to revise smartly and remember more
It’s self-evident that an essential part of foreign language learning is being able to hold a huge number of items in long-term memory, and that learners generally find it rather hard, to put it very mildly. One obvious reason for this is that they have never been taught how to boost their linguistic memory – which resources to turn to, which techniques to apply, etc. And why do they receive so little support? Isn’t it in large part due to the fact that we as teachers are not necessarily well-versed in this crucial area …?

This is just what I intend to address in this super practical session. You will leave with a huge number of tried and tested tricks, techniques and strategies, including how to record vocabulary in the learner’s notebook, how to use powerful mnemonics, and how to recycle, revise and consolidate language items so that they stick for good. Some of these are age-specific while others fairly universal tricks of the trade – come along and enjoy!

Szkoły ponadgimnazjalne

12:40 - 13:00
Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja

13:00 - 14:20
Dig deeper. Use of English for matura and beyond

Dig deeper. Use of English for matura and beyond
If you have already seen this year’s CKE report on 2014 matura results, I’m sure your own feeling has been confirmed: an average matura candidate finds it relatively difficult to cope with the Use of English section of the exam, particularly at the extended level. In other words, the end results of our grammar and vocabulary teaching are a lot less than we could hope for. The question is then, can we do anything to make a real difference, in the final exam results and in the state of their linguistic competence as such?

That’s where this highly practical session comes right in. I’ll offer a comprehensive, systematic, and Polish learner friendly programme of developing lexico-grammatical competence. You will have a chance to sample a number of fresh ways of working with ‘English in Use’ exam tasks at both basic and extended levels. They will include practical ideas for deep, intensive and versatile processing of language material, as well as for developing translation fluency and context sensitivity. Some illustration for all this will come from Password, the new flagship Macmillan course for Polish upper secondary learners.

Zarejestruj się już dziś:

http://www.macmillan.pl/component/conferences/?task=register&id= 170&miejsce=sandomierz
język angielski