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Macmillan: Small Talks (big ideas) -A Grammar Engine for Oral Matura 2012...

Macmillan Small Talks (big ideas) - nowatorska forma krótkich wideo-szkoleń metodycznych. Tylko 20 minut!

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Dodatkowo do pobrania slajdy z prezentacjami oraz certyfikat uczestnictwa - wystarczy odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące sesji i wypełnić formularz on-line.

A Grammar Engine for Oral Matura 2012

dr Grzegorz Śpiewak This is a small talk with a big purpose: how to truly support weak(er) matura candidates, showing them that they can in fact cope with the new exam tasks. The idea that I wish to share with you is that even a low-level student can be coached effectively, provided that [a] we perform the necessary reduction to the grammatical syllabus, selecting only the constructions that are truly indispensable to complete the tasks, and [b] offer such a candidate a systematic, intensive exam preparation programme, focused firmly upon those key language structures and centred around automatizing them with the learners.

http://www.macmillan.pl/index.php/szkolenia/small-talks-big-idea s?utm_source=szukaj-lektora&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_content=small-talks&utm_campaign=szukaj-lektora-bts all-talks&utm_campaign=szukaj-lektora-bts
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