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Macmillan: Konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i ponad...,14.02.14, Kraków.
Wydawnictwo Macmillan
oraz Małopolskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli
serdecznie zapraszają na bezpłatną konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i ponadgimnazjalnych

14 lutego (piątek) 2014 roku w Krakowie
Hotel Park Inn, ul. Monte Cassino 2

Sesje metodyczne dla nauczycieli j. angielskiego poprowadzą Carol Read i dr Grzegorz Śpiewak

Carol Read
has over 30 years’ experience in English language teaching as a teacher, teacher trainer,
academic manager and materials writer. She has taught students of all ages and levels, from very young children to adults. Carol’s main specialisation is in primary language teaching and she has run numerous teacher education courses and worked
as an educational consultant in many different countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Carol has published extensively in the field of teaching English to young learners, including coursebooks, supplementary materials, online storytelling and CLIL projects, as well as many articles on primary ELT methodology. Carol’s award-winning titles include the first edition of Bugs World (with three co-authors) which won a British Council Innovation Award, 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom which was Highly Commended in the ESU Duke of Edinburgh awards, and the children's reader Is it a Butterfly? which won an Extensive Reading Foundation Award (all published by Macmillan
Education). Her latest publicationis a brand new Macmillan Course for primary children called Tiger. Carol is currently President of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language).

Dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
holds a double MA in English & Linguistics (University of Essex, UK and University of Warsaw) and a PhD in Linguistics (University of Warsaw 2000). He has been a lecturer at the institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw since 1992, Head ELT Consultant for Macmillan Polska, teacher trainer, methodology adviser, ELT materials' writer, former president of IATEFL-Poland, founder and president of DOS-Teacher Training Solutions.

His chief professional interests are teacher development (incl. applications of new media and new technologies), syllabus design (incl. classroom implications of CEFR), education towards plurilingualism (incl. ELF-related issues, re-defining pedagogical objectives, maintaining standards of excellence).

His track record in ELT publishing consists in numerous articles, reviews and a few minor pieces, including a series of grammar contrast boxes and grammar summaries for the ForMat course series, grammar sections for L!VE 2 and L!VE 3 (all published by Macmillan Polska) and a section on Polish in Learner English edited by M. Swan & B. Smith,
CUP. As a consultant he has also contributed to Macmillan’s best-selling Revise ForMatura Repetytorium. His most recent publication is another bestseller: Egzamin Gimnzajalny. Repetytorium z testami (co-author: Marta Rosińska,
Macmillan 2008)


9:30 – 10:00 Rejestracja uczestników
10:00 – 11:20 Sesja dla nauczycieli klas 1–3
Carol Read
The magic of story time

Stories provide a motivating and memorable way to develop language, thinking and social skills in the primary classroom.
Stories also link learning English to culture and content from other areas of the curriculum, as well as to children’s real life interests and concerns. This practical session explores the magic of story time in engaging children’s hearts and minds in active,
experiential learning and presents a wide range of enjoyable and effective teaching ideas which promote class participation and active language use.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowość!
 Tiger 1 książka ucznia
 Tiger 1 zeszyt ćwiczeń

11:20 – 11:40 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

11:40 – 13:00 Sesja dla nauczycieli klas 4–6
dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
Testing, training, or teaching with ‘sprawdzian’ in mind

Now that we are finally in possession of all key information about sprawdzian szóstoklasisty, we can confirm the claims we’ve been making: the test is going to be neither completely trivial nor massively overwhelming. Yes, the list of structures is unnervingly long, the vocabulary load considerable, and the visuals require some skill of interpretation. Not to mention the challenge of copying with distractors, the need to focus attention when listening, the discipline of double-checking etc. But, and
that’s quite crucial in my belief, most of these exam skills can and should be developed as part of good everyday teaching, spaced out across the three-year programme. Are you thinking: very well, but how exactly?!
This is where this session comes in. I want to explore various cognitive and linguistic challenges that sprawdzian brings in and show you that there is no need for exam panic or obsessive testing, but a lot of room for exam-friendly teaching, with central role
of slow, incremental recycling. Come along to find out all the details.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowości do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty!
 Evolution Plus 1 książka ucznia
 New Hot Spot 1 książka ucznia
 Sprawdzian Szóstoklasisty Repetytorium z testami książka nauczyciela
 Strategia sukcesu – unikalny program przygotowania do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty

13:00 – 13:30 Przerwa techniczna/rejestracja uczestników

13:30 – 14:50 Sesja dla nauczycieli szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
Conjunction junction: text-centred teaching of writing

An in-depth analysis of the changes to the format of matura exam as of 2015, particularly the task types and modified writing assessment criteria, shows at least one major novelty. It is a significant increase in the role of internal structure, coherence, cohesion and general linguistic quality of text, in both receptive and productive tasks. Needless to say, an ability to analyse and produce high quality texts in English is not something that students are born with. Nor something that will simply emerge naturally
as a positive side effect of good teaching. It has to be taught, very explicitly. The question is how.
That’s just what I intend to address in this practical session, particularly as regards students’ ability to write high-scoring texts of their own, at basic and extended level of the new exam.

Materiały konferencyjne: Nowości wydawnicze!
 Gateway Plus 4 książka ucznia
 Matura Repetytorium. Poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony. przykładowe strony

Prosimy o dokonanie rejestracji na konferencję poprzez wypełnienie krótkiego formularza on-line.

Zobacz więcej szczegółów:

http://www.macmillan.pl/components/com_conferences/docs/invitati ons/Krakow.pdf
język angielski