korepetycję językowe
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- język: angielski
- województwo: wielkopolskie
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- Listy lektorów/nauczycieli/korepetytorów języków w województwie wielkopolskim
- Listy lektorów/nauczycieli/korepetytorów języka angielskiego

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Katalog lektorów języka angielskiego w mieście Poznań

Przejdź do:
  Znaleziono 944 lektorów.
język angielski wielkopolskie
O sobie
Link do CV
491 andy_cracov angielski
I have graduated from University of Alaska in Fairbanks, majoring in Political Science and USA history. In Poland, I had obtained a diploma at the Dęblin Air Force Academy (flying cargo planes). I am currently looking for a contract starting in October, 2014.
492 ashu128 angielski
I have a long experience in teaching English, which includes business communication, literature, medical and legal English, general English, grammar, conversation etc. I have taught at some of the biggest companies in Poland like Solaris and Amica. I have also taught in a high school in Poland as a native speaker. Prior to it, I had a stint working as an assistant professor in Delhi University. I love teaching as it gives me the opportunity not just to impart knowledge but also to gain it as well from the students I interact with.
493 NatalieB angielski
I had the opportunity to move out of the country and arrived in Poland in July 2010. I am looking for a new challenge and decided to also change my career. I have been involved for many years in private tutoring and teaching, but I have not yet had the opportunity to teach in a classroom or work in a group setting.
494 itsearlydoors angielski
I am an exceptionally experienced, successful and dedicated English teacher. In addition to helping my learners achieve their goals, I have also trained teachers, implemented training programmes and published language materials. Although I am British, I have a Polish wife and son. I have recently returned from overseas, where I have been a corporate trainer. I am seeking a suitable offer from a serious institution or company and am looking to fill my schedule.
495 Kelly12 angielski
496 Johnnythecool angielski
Hey, Here is Can (pronounced just the same as John). After traveling for a few years, I ended up polishing my English to native-like level as well as improving my teaching skills. I not only teach structure of English, but also perks of learning a language and self-confident speaking. No matter what your level is, you are going to be exposed well into this foreign language and drain as much as you can! Do not feel hesitated to contact!
497 Agatha.M angielski
Hello! My name is Agatha and I recently moved to Poland. I am a native speaker born and raised in Canada. Back home I taught kindergarten to grade 6 all subjects in English (like "wczesnoszkolny" only with different classes and grades year to year). My family is from Poland so I can read, write and speak Polish as well. I am also about a B1 in French (low intermediate). I have been teaching in various schools since 2015. Prior to that I worked with children at summer camps, tutoring, and volunteering in a Saturday school program. In the past I have also helped edit essays, articles and translate different documents though I am a qualified teacher and have not completed formal schooling for translation. I have a Bachelor of Arts (English and Polish major, History minor) and a Masters of Teaching. I am available weekdays after 14:00. Please feel free contact me if you need any further information. Thank you!
498 AaronKelly angielski
Hello my name is Aaron and i am from Ireland. I live in Poland now for the last 3 months with my wife ( who is Polish ) and my son. When i lived in Ireland i was teaching English to many of my co-workers and they were of all nationalities from Polish to Spanish to Latvian to Chinese. Many of them had little English so i started from the basics and worked from there. I found it really easy to communicate with all of them. It did not matter how basic their English was, as i found out there is many ways to explain something. At the moment i am looking for a permanent position in preferably private schools and colleges. Anyone who would like to contact me please remember that i need to be contacted in English as my Polish is not very good but i am working on this.
499 DAGZIM angielski
Gwarancja profesjonalizmu i efektownosci zajec.
500 Gosia88 angielski
Filolog angielski z doświadczeniem w tłumaczeniu oraz sprzedaży bezpośredniej. W nauczaniu języka angielskiego wykorzystuję wiedzę zdobytą na studiach anglistycznych i lingwistycznych oraz wiedzę praktyczną zdobytą podczas pobytu w Wielkiej Brytanii (język formalny, język potoczny, wiedza o kulturze krajów anglojęzycznych...) Oferuję szkolenia dla firm oraz osób prywatnych na wszystkich poziomach zaawansowania. Zajęcia nastawione są rozwijanie wszystkich umiejętności językowych (słuchanie, pisanie, czytanie, gramatyka, konwersacje) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem na komunikację w języku obcym. Szkolenia obejmują: ● język ogólny ● Business English ● specjalistyczny program dla potrzeb poszczególnych firm obejmujący słownictwo oraz terminologię ściśle związaną z działalnością firmy. ● przygotowania do profesjonalnych prezentacji ● zależności kulturowe, jako istotny czynnik komunikacji w języku obcym Ceny kursów różnicują się pomiedzędzy 30 zł a 60 zł (za 45 minut)