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2012 - 200 rocznica urodzin Charlesa Dickensa! Materiały i wydarzenia NaukiBezGranic

2012 - 200 rocznica urodzin Charlesa Dickensa! Materiały i wydarzenia NaukiBezGranic!

In 2012 we are celebrating the 200th brithday of Charles Dickens. This site has been created for Teachers and Students of English as a Foreign Language all over the world, who wish to get to know Charles Dickens a bit better. We believe that one cannot learn English, without studying the culture of the English speaking world. And studying English and learning about Dickens will not only be educational, cross-curricular but, above all, great fun!
We also want to make everyone’s lives easier by providing a hub where any interesting materials can be found easily, be it a trailer from Oliver Twist movie made by Roman Polanski in 2005, links to BBC resources or your own materials. LearningWithoutBorders have also prepared a series of events to celebrate the writing of Charles Dickens and the fascinating Victorian times he lived in by John Cudak, Mandy Sibson and Simeon Wren.

Charles Dickens 200 Years, John Cudak
Living With Dickens, Mandy Sibson
Dickens Live!, Simeon Wren
Quirky Britain, Mandy Sibson
Queen Victoria, John Cudak

Finally, this website is an invitation for Teachers of English all over the word to contribute their own materials and ideas.

Welcome to the world of Charles Dickens!
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