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NaukaBezGranic: Easter Time Fun and Games. Warsztat interaktywny, 31.03.16, Warszawa.
Egg tapping, egg dancing, egg rolling, egg tossing, egg painting, egg hunting. From the coral reefed coast of Oz to the Pacific coast of the U.S.A with the old cousin countries of Ireland and Britain in between everybody is going egg crazy with egg games at Easter and not just the English speaking world, you can find many of these games played by other European countries that share a history with them too.
Macmillan: Shakespeare Special, bezpłatne webinarium, 20.04.16.
This special day-long event features talks designed specifically for teachers of Teens, Adults and Business English students.
NaukaBezGranic: English Around The World, warsztat dla grup z nauczycielem, 31.03.16, Toruń.
The English language is, quite literally, the greatest language in the world. Great in terms of size and scope – it’s an official language of seventy-nine countries and territories. It’s just one fantastic mishmash of borrowings, inventions, corruptions, misinterpretations, misspellings and alterations.
PTI: Szkoła Przewodnika Talentów - Jak budować środowisko edukacyjne...16-17.04.16, W-wa
Szkoła Przewodnika Talentów dla nauczycieli, trenerów, metodyków, coachów. Jak budować środowisko edukacyjne przyjazne rozwojowi indywidualności i talentów.
NaukaBezGranic: Irish Myths and Legends, 31.03.16, Toruń.
Ireland’s long history is riddled with ancient mythology and folklore. Ireland’s ancient societies, the Druids and the Celtics, believed in the power of magic and many of these beliefs spread to modern day legends. We invite the students to the world of magic and fairy tales because reality has limits, imagination is boundless!
ELC Language Coaching Certification, wiosenna edycja, 15-17.04.16, Warszawa.
Take part in the first Language Coaching Certification® in the world that’s accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation).
NaukaBezGranic: Famous British Writers, warsztat dla grup z nauczycielem, 30.03.16, Katowice.
The English language is unparalleled as a tool for expression. Some languages are more romantic, others more practical or logical, but few have produced such a vast and luminary canon of poets and novelists. This session seeks to delve into the lives of writers such as Byron, Dickens, Austen and, of course, Shakespeare to uncover some of the meaning and motivation behind their most celebrated works.
Goethe-Institut: Szkolenie Grammatik zum Verlieben, 15.04.16, Szczecin.
Jeśli chcesz odczarować lekcje poświęcone zagadnieniom gramatycznym i na końcu zajęć usłyszeć od swoich uczniów „to już koniec?” – przybądź na nasze szkolenie.
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