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Goethe-Institut: Otwarcie Ogrodu Powszechnego, 22.05.16, Warszawa.
Zielona akcja miejska Wspólna inicjatywa Goethe Institut, Teatru Powszechnego im. Zygmunta Hübnera w Warszawie, Fundacji Strefa WolnoSłowa i mieszkańców Pragi. Ogród Powszechny to ogród społecznościowy oraz przestrzeń do działań artystycznych. To miejsce wymiany wiedzy, doświadczeń i umiejętności. Miejsce dyskusji i działania. W Ogrodzie Powszechnym uprawia się rośliny i uczy się, jak zmieniać najbliższą okolicę.
NaukaBezGranic: British Festivals and Traditions, 23.05.16, Kielce.
Richie Mullaney brings us through a top few of his neighbours weird & wonderful customs & traditions. Britain has a rich history of multicultural influences which have led to an extraordinary amount of bizarre traditions between the three countries, but which country out does them all? We’ll compare the three countries top customs and try some out for ourselves! A little sneak peek to the agenda, we’ve got cheese rolling, Morris dancing, Hocktide, pancake racing & bog snorkelling! Up Helly Aa, Haxey Hood & Beltane….what are these? Let’s look at some of the oldest festivals in human history, celebrated exclusively in the United Kingdom!
Goethe-Institut: CYKL FILMOWY FILMOWA MAJÓWKA, 24 i 27.05.16, Warszawa.
Wydarzenie w ramach programu „Świętujemy“ – 25 lat dobrego sąsiedztwa
NaukaBezGranic: Kids Day Fun and Games with Richie, 23.05.16. Kielce.
Children’s Day is celebrated every year in many places around the world to honour children globally. We celebrate this wonderful day with playing games in English. Play is the most comfortable form of learning for both children and adults because it is a natural behaviour that is driven by curiosity and creativity. The hands-on, interactive games inspire children to make discoveries about their world using play experiences. Our interactive English activities peak their interest, gain self-esteem and encourage subconscious language learning through fun and laughter.
NaukaBezGranic: How To Sound Like A Native Speaker, workshop with Kaidar, 23.05.16, Wrocław.
Is it possible to sound like a native speaker if you weren’t born in an English speaking country?
Italicus: Laboratorio didattico Alma Edizioni, 28.05.16, Kraków.
Informiamo gentilmente che per ragioni logistiche il laboratorio didattico per insegnanti di italiano LS in Polonia: ITALIANO LS TRA LIBRO DI TESTO E NUOVI STRUMENTI MULTIMEDIALI si terrà in forma abbreviata, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 13.00
Anna Popławska: Trudne dzieci? Q and A z Agnieszką Bielicką. ARMOWE WEBINARIUM, 24.05.16.
Dlaczego warto brać udział w moich darmowych webinariach? Pamiętaj! Co tydzień inny temat!
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