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Pearson: Konferencja Nothing Stands Still for Long – Dealing with Changing English, 27.02.16
Konferencja "Nothing Stands Still for Long – Dealing with Changing English - Rob Dean"

Organizator Pearson CEEN

Sobota, 27 Lutego 2016 11:30 Europe/Warsaw

Rob Dean

Rob has been involved in ELT as a teacher, director of studies and teacher trainer since 1994. During this time, he has taught a wide variety of ages and levels in numerous countries in Europe and South East Asia, and is currently based in Poland. Rob now works as an independent international teacher trainer and academic consultant, and travels widely delivering talks, workshops and seminars – as well as online webinars - to teachers all over the world.


https://www.pearsonceen.clickwebinar.com/nothing-stands-still-fo r-long-dealing-with-changing-english-rob-dean-2nd-session/register?_ga=1.268420494.1246610845.1453470609 er?_ga=1.268420494.1246610845.1453470609
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