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Pearson: Konferencja Being creative as a must in the language classroom..20.02.16.
Konferencja "Being creative as a must in the language classroom - Piotr Steinbrich"

Organizator Pearson CEEN

Sobota, 20 Lutego 2016 10:00 Europe/Warsaw
Piotr Steinbrich

Piotr is a lecturer and teacher trainer at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. He does seminars and workshops for teachers of English in Poland and abroad. Piotr is also a consultant of ELT materials for young learners and teenagers. His interest include child development, classroom discourse and spoken language. Recently, he has decided to go back to the roots and bought himself a 1950s guitar replica which receives regular treatment in a duet with Piotr's brother torturing his double-bass.


https://www.pearsonceen.clickwebinar.com/being-creative-as-a-mus t-in-the-language-classroom-piotr-steinbrich/register?_ga=1.256845067.1246610845.1453470609 45067.1246610845.1453470609
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