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NaukaBezGranic: Show - A Ticket to Birmingham, 15.04.15, Warszawa.
NaukaBezGranic- Europejski Program Edukacyjny zaprasza na:

A Ticket to Birmingham

15/04/2015 Warszawa

9:30-10:30; 11:00-12:00; 12:30-13:30

Form: Interactive show

Script: Ken Wilson & Doug Case, English Teaching Theatre

Cast: Richard Mullaney & Marcel

Directed by: Richard Mullaney & Marcel

Age group: 12-17

Level: preintermediate – intermediatediate

A Ticket to Birmingham is a double act by Richie and Marcel who bring back a series of sketches by Ken Wilson and Doug Case written for the English Teaching Theatre. Students will get a chance to laugh (or not) and get the taste of the English sense of humour Monty Python style. They will also be actively engaged in the show. One of the sketches will be assigned as a pre-show task. We will take you to a British railway station, post office and travel agency as well as Hotel Splendido.

18zł/uczeń za pojedynczy warsztat;
28zł/uczeń za dwa warsztaty jednego dnia;
37zł/uczeń za trzy warsztaty jednego dnia

[Udzielamy zniżek uczniom w trudnej sytuacji finansowej]

Rezerwacja on-line: http://naukabezgranic.pl/kursy-intensywne

Kontakt: info@naukabezgranic.pl
język angielski