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NaukaBezGranic.pl zaprasza na warsztaty językowo-muzyczne MEDIA IN THE U.S.A. - REALITY TV
Zapraszamy na warsztaty językowo-muzyczne dla uczniów gimnazjum, szkół ponadgimnazjalnych oraz studentów, organizowane przez NaukęBezGranic pod patronatem The Teacher.
Kevin Gleason , Stany Zjednoczone

Warszawa 12, 13 maja 2009
godz.: 9.00 - 10.00, 10.15 - 11.15, 11.30 - 12.30, 12.45 - 13.45

miejsce: Beit Warszawa, ul. Wiertnicza 113

Koszt: 15 zł / ucznia, nauczyciele i opiekunowie gratis. Spotkania mają charakter otwarty - zapraszamy nauczycieli z klasami na warsztaty w wybranym dniu i o wybranej godzinie.
Bilety oraz materiały dydaktyczne dostępne pod numerem tel.: 502 646 846
lub emailem: info@naukabezgranic.pl

Płatność przelewem na konto: 50 10205558 1111 170013000040
po uprzednim sprawdzeniu dostępności miejsc.

Projekt MEDIA IN THE U.S.A. – REALITY TV składa się z trzech etapów:
1. quizu wiedzowego do wykorzystania przed warsztatami,
2. warsztatu MEDIA IN THE U.S.A. – REALITY TV, prowadzonego przez Kevina Gleasona (uczniowie proszeni są o prowadzenie szczegółowych notatek w czasie warsztatów,
3. testu sprawdzającego wiedzę i zrozumienie do wykorzystania po spotkaniu.

This discussion will first start with a brief description of what happens behind the scenes to create a Reality TV episode. From the casting process, the production set up in the field, shooting process, writing process through editing and notes. To give you an example, on “Nanny 911” for Fox, the families were chosen not only for their ill mannered children but also for their looks and their income level. Shallow as it may seem, research has proven viewers don’t want to see unattractive people on TV. If they aren’t good looking they better at least be wealthy to give the viewer something. Of course during the episode there is no mention of these qualities. Each family is referred to as the family most in need of the Nanny’s help. Once shooting begins, the family is guided through the process. The producer asks them to “get the children to behave badly”. “We need to see the children exhibit the behavior on tape in order to tell your story.” I have said this and a lot more many, many times. The stories surrounding “The Bachelor” on ABC are much more scandalous involving alcohol and “crying” producers…

Biografię Kevina zamieszczamy w języku angielskim, z myślą o tych z Państwa którzy chcieliby jej fragmenty wykorzystać na zajęciach języka angielskiego.

Kevin Gleason was born in the small town of Hornell, New York in 1959. Shortly after his birth the family moved to the south shore of Long Island, NY where he grew up. When Kevin graduated college in 1981, he was hired as Dick Cavett’s (famous talk show host) personal assistant and thus began his career in Television. He worked in New York City for 14 years, first at the operations center for the newly formed MTV cable network. After 5 years with MTV, he began editing and studio production work for Lifetime Television, another newly formed cable network. That editing experience lead him to the big 4 networks in NY – ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC. There he worked on network shows like “A Current Affair” for Fox, “Instant Recall” for NBC, “America Tonight” for CBS and various news programs for ABC. In 1995, Fox Network asked Kevin if he would move to Los Angeles and work on the OJ Simpson Trial Verdict for their show “A Current Affair”. That move would keep him in Los Angeles for the next 13 years. During that time, Kevin was introduced to a new concept in Television programming called “reality”. In 1997, he began as an editor for MTV’s hit reality series “The Real World” and worked on the next 7 seasons of the show. With that experience, Kevin began producing reality shows such as “Nanny 911” for Fox, “American Inventor” for ABC, “The Bachelor” for ABC and “Secret Millionaire” for Fox.

Małgorzata Sobol
tel.: 502 646 846
email: info@naukabezgranic.

język angielski