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Wydawnictwo Pearson Longman zaprasza
nauczycieli szkół podstawowych
na konferencję metodyczną w Bydgoszczy
3 marca, czwartek
Hotel City
ul. 3 Maja 6

10:30 – 11:00 Rejestracja uczestników

11:00 – 12:00 LEARNING THROUGH STORIES – Mariola Bogucka

If there is one, enduring, cross cultural, pedagogical received wisdom it is that children learn through stories. From ancient Greece to modern times teachers have found stories to be the best way of communicating important new concepts and ideas. Stories appeal to children of all learning styles whether visual, kinesthetic or auditory. They help them make sense of their lives and listening to and the creation of narratives can facilitate the development of literacy skills in several important ways. This workshop will discuss how.
seminarium angielski .
It will also focus on ways to engage children fully in stories so that they may benefit from all the many positive pedagogical aspects of this activity.

12:00 – 12:20 Przerwa kawowa


As English teachers we are naturally concerned primarily with the acquisition of language skills. However, as pedagogues we have
a whole plethora of goals and ambitions. We need to focus not only on how our pupils will learn English but as child-centred educators we also need to focus on the cognitive, social and emotional needs of our young learners as well.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
This workshop will explore how we can successfully teach English while not neglecting the all important cross curricular issues.

13:20 – 13:30 Przerwa


Scientific research has proved that using storytelling has a significant impact on learners’ achievement. Especially when learners are young or very young, lessons based on stories bring magic to school and create an absolutely unique atmosphere in the classroom. On the other hand, a successful storytelling session is relatively demanding for the teacher as it requires high quality visual and audio aids. English Adventure opens a new teaching ‘season’ with a set of such materials. During the session we’re going to explore one of the stories and a spectrum of tasks which can be organised around it.
seminarium angielski .
A special focus will be given to tasks which address the different emotional and cognitive needs of six- and seven-year-olds who ‘work’ and play together in the same class. Hopefully, new stories will offer new experiences and new adventures. 

Uczestnicy konferencji otrzymają:

zestaw materiałów konferencyjnych, torbę na książki, certyfikat uczestnictwa, zestaw plakatów edukacyjnych English Adventure Poster Pack, zestaw gier
i zabaw Poptropica Funbook, egzemplarz okazowy nowego kursu Yazoo 1 SB oraz egzemplarz okazowy podręcznika Look 2 SB.

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Sylwia Górniak
Koordynator Zespołu Konsultantów
tel. 661 361 079

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-03-03
Organizator: Pearson Longman
Miejsce: Bydgoszcz
Rodzaj: warsztaty metodyczne dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych