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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Warsztaty Ireland Today będą poświęcone Irlandii. Richie Mullaney będzie opowiadał o kraju, muzyce, zwyczajach, Guinnessie i pubach, Dublinie, będzie też trochę o sporcie i St. Patrick's Day. To co Richie potrafi przekazać najlepiej to ducha i mentalność Irlandczyków, zawsze patrzących optymistycznie na rzeczywistość. Będzie też okazja, dla odważnych chętnych do nauczenia się podstawowego kroku Ceilidh Dancing!

Kilka słów o Richiem, w języku angielskim, do ewentualnego wykorzystania na zajęciach języka angielskiego przed warsztatami. Oto jak Richie się nam przedstawia:

My name is Richard Mullaney, I was born in Dublin in 1990.
seminarium angielski .
I started beaver scouts when I was 6 and have continued till present. When I was 13 I became a Patrol Leader in scouts and took part in a number of personal development and leadership courses and workshops. In 2004, my patrol came first in the National Scouting Competition, the ‘Smyte Cup’. In whilst in scouts I also volunteered as a ‘Scouter,’ a helper in the Cub Scout section of my group. In 2006, I dropped out of school and got a full-time job in an outdoor equipment shop, I’m still there today. During this time I began volunteering in a youth support group in the Dublin city centre; I continued as a ‘Scouter’ in cubs and also volunteered as a barista in a drop-in centre in the city centre.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
I soon decided that youth work was my calling and applied for college. I strongly believe that the learning by doing is the best form of education and I have been bringing it from scouts into other youth groups and sectors, and I’m getting excellent results in the support group. In 2008, I decided to get a summer job abroad with Stafford House Study Holidays as an Activities Leader in Glasgow. My job was very interesting and enjoyable there; I simply had to bring approx. 150 Spanish and Italian students to Glasgow, Edinburgh and Loch Lomond ;-) In the evening I had to entertain them with Karaoke nights, Disco’s, Scottish Culture nights, Movie nights and Talent Show nights etc.
seminarium angielski .
Now I have completed the first year of my college course in Youth Work, I am still working in the outdoor equipment shop (part-time), still volunteering in the youth support group, the cafe and the scouts.

Warsztaty trwają na ogół 60 minut i organizowane są w godzinach:
9.00 – 10.00, 10.15 – 11.15, 11.30 – 12.30, 12.45 – 13.45
Zapisy na wydarzenia otwarte:
tel.: 510 965 005 (po angielsku), 663 741 612 (po polsku)

Warsztaty na życzenie – w Państwa szkole:
tel: 501 450 828
Szczegóły na www.naukabezgranic.pl
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2010-11-19
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Wrocław
Rodzaj: warsztaty - Ireland Today - dla grup z nauczycielem