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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Cambridge University Press
we współpracy z
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
zaprasza na szkolenie metodyczne:

Wtorek, 8 marca 2011 r.
Hotel Grand
ul. Piotrowska 72
90-102 Łódź


od 12:00 rejestracja

12:30 -13:30 szkolenie dla nauczycieli klas 1-3 szkoły podstawowej
Magical English lessons for Kids!

A realistic look into how we can make our lessons more motivating, stimulating, and rewarding for all parties concerned. Further, this presentation will also examine a number of practical suggestions which can be put to immediate use. Many of the ideas are exemplified in the series, Primary Kid's Box, published by Cambridge University Press for Polish Primary Schools.
Jim Kalathas lives, works, and travels out of his home base in the lovely town of Thessaloniki, in Northern Greece. He has been involved with ELT and Educational Publishing for almost 25 years, and before this taught in a number of different education institutions, in a number of different countries around the globe. He currently advises and trains, state and private educational sectors on the selection and use of appropriate materials.
seminarium angielski .
At the moment he represents Cambridge University Press, as a Product Champion for many of their courses, which include Kid’s Box and English in Mind.

13:30 – 13:50 przerwa

13:50-14:10 szkolenie Cambridge ESOL dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i gimnazjów
Staying close to learner's needs.
The benefits of Cambridge English tests and exams 'for schools'

For many decades, University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations have provided learners with reliable and fair assessment as well as a great deal of enjoyment and an invaluable boost of confidence. Apart from the benefits for children who take their first 'big' external test, Cambridge Young Learners English Test (YLE), the presentation will also highlight various advantages of preparing younger teenagers for Key for Schools (KET) and Preliminary for Schools (PET). A brief overview of 'the coolest exam ever made for teens' - the new Cambridge English: First for Schools (FCE for Schools) - will conclude this session.
Adam Maciaszczyk started teaching English in the late 20th century. So far he has dealt with hardly-ever-on-time business English students, young adults, teenagers and kids. His other ELT activities have been reviewing grammar books for PWN, developing e-learning courses for SWPS and preparing Gimnazjum Exams for CUP.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Since 2010, he has been a University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations consultant for Warsaw and Łódź.

14:10-14:15 przerwa

14:15 -15:15 szkolenie dla nauczycieli gimnazjum
Which comes first: the chicken or the egg? Language development or Exam preparation?

Shouldn’t successful language courses which prepare for exams such as the Polish Final Gimnazjum Exam also be solid language learning courses which offer systematic language development, skills work and learning strategies as well as exam tasks, training and tips? In this workshop we will look at examples from Cambridge ELT materials including English in Mind Exam Edition, the English-Polish Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary and the new Repetytorium gimnazjalne to show how to prepare students for exam success while also ensuring lively, on-going language development. We will also aim to answer the question as to which comes first…
Gary Anderson was Pedagogical Director of the language program of the former American Center in Paris where he taught and co-ordinated classes for all ages of learners. He was President-elect of TESOL France when he joined Cambridge ELT as International Teacher Trainer based in Paris.
seminarium angielski .
He has since given talks in over 50 countries on five continents, including several times in Poland.

Każdy uczestnik spotkania otrzyma certyfikat potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu, broszurę zawierającą 18 przykładowych stron z ‘Repetytorium Gimnazjalnego’, które ukaże się w maju 2011, oraz plakaty do dekoracji sal lekcyjnych.

Podczas konferencji serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia stoisk centrów egzaminacyjnych University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations w Łodzi: British Council oraz Oxford Centre. Na stoiskach można będzie zapoznać się z ofertą najpopularniejszych na świecie certyfikatów językowych dla uczniów i nauczycieli języka angielskiego.

Więcej informacji o egzaminach Cambridge ESOL znajdą Państwo na www.CambridgeESOL.pl
Konsultant: Adam Maciaszczyk, kom. 692308028, adam.maciaszczyk@cambridgeesol.pl

Sprzedaż i wystawę zorganizuje księgarnia Bookland. Podczas spotkania będzie można zakupić publikacje Cambridge University Press z rabatem konferencyjnym.

Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzanie uczestnictwa e-mailem cambridge@cambridge.org.pl (podając w tytule miasto konferencji) lub za pomocą formularza rejestracji dostępnego na www.cambridge.org.pl O udziale w szkoleniu decyduje kolejność zapisów.

Zapraszam serdecznie!
Joanna Jołkiewicz
ELT Representative

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-03-08
Organizator: Cambridge University Press
Miejsce: Łódź
Rodzaj: szkolenie metodyczne dla nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i gimnazjów