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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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Cambridge University Press
zaprasza na szkolenie metodyczne

Poniedziałek, 14 marca 2011 r.
Multikino, sala nr 6
ul. Paderewskiego 1
75-736 Koszalin


12:30 -13:30 szkolenie dla nauczycieli klas 1-3 szkoły podstawowej

Motivated Teachers Motivate Pupils.

Keeping young learners motivated to learn can be challenging. There are many ways to motivate pupils to learn and participate in the classroom leading to increased pupils’ success and keep our classroom a happy place to learn. Since, most pupils wish to please their teacher, so it is the job of the teacher to motivate the pupils.
seminarium angielski .
The workshop ‘Motivated Teachers Motivate Pupils’ will show eight tips on how to keep the young learners interested in class and motivated to do what we as teachers want them to do.

13:30 – 14:00 przerwa

14:00 -15:00 szkolenie dla nauczycieli gimnazjum

Effectively Dynamic, Dynamically Effective!

Practical A-Z on the Gimnazjum exam language training

Preparing students to the New Gimnazjum Exam, as much as to any other language exam, may be quite a challenge for a teacher.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
How to motivate students to learn more intensively? How to teach them all the exam strategies effectively? How to practice dull and repetitive exam types in an inspiring way?
The 60-minute workshop gives participants a chance to get to know the new structure of the New Gimnazjum Exam and to practically get familiar with some dynamic activities introducing strategies, necessary in all four parts of the exam. All examples come from ‘Repetytorium Gimnazjalne’, ‘English in Mind’ as well as ‘Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary”

Milada Krajewska is natural born teacher, a passionate teacher trainer and a keen writer of ELT materials. She holds an MA in English Philology and a postgraduate diploma in Business Training. What she enjoys most about being a teacher involved in teacher trainer is the opportunity to share ideas with both students and teachers as well as learning new things every day.
seminarium angielski .
She believes that the key to a successful lesson is a well-balanced combination of sensitivity to students` needs, student engagement, variety, creativity and … plenty of common sense.

Każdy uczestnik spotkania otrzyma certyfikat potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu, broszurę zawierającą 18 przykładowych stron z ‘Repetytorium Gimnazjalnego’ oraz plakaty do dekoracji sal lekcyjnych.

Sprzedaż i wystawę zorganizuje księgarnia Cegielski. Podczas spotkania będzie można zakupić publikacje Cambridge University Press z rabatem konferencyjnym.

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O udziale w szkoleniu decyduje kolejność zapisów.
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szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-03-14
Organizator: Cambridge University Press
Miejsce: Koszalin
Rodzaj: szkolenie metodyczne dla anglistów