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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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LUBLIN, Nov 22

venue: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie,
ul. Akademicka 13

training team: Katarzyna Wróbel, Marcin Kudła, Anna Turula

11:00 – 11:15 getting started
11:15 – 12:45 workshop 1:
Wiki – your virtual blackboard & classroom
Web-based learning reflects the way young people act outside the classroom - they spend most of their time working with computers. And here comes Wiki, a free website you can set up for your language class within minutes. It is suitable for all learning levels from schools to universities.
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Why don’t you sample with me this user-friendly and intuitive online tool and learn how to administer lessons and organize students’ work. Find out how to use Wiki as a supplementary tool to enrich the delivery of just about any content – and to make language learning truly (inter)personal!
12:55 – 14:25 workshop 2:
Authoring Tools – a teacher’s DIY kit
If you feel that your coursebook does not focus enough on grammar and vocabulary practice, or if you want to use authentic materials but waste too much time preparing activities to accompany them, Authoring Tools are what you need.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Thanks to downloadable software, such as Teacher’s Pet and Hot Potatoes, you can create your own electronic materials for FREE. The exercises include crosswords, jumbled words/ sentences, close- or multiple-choice tests and many more. Authoring Tools can also give you a chance to make your own web-based interactive activities. Don’t worry if you’re not a computer wizard – during this session you will learn how to do all this with just one click!
14:25 – 15:00 break
15:00 – 16:30 workshop 3:
From here to writing.
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A Google Earth ride
What is better: travelling itself or returning to the places we visited by watching holiday photos and the little cellphone-made clips with our family and friends? Why not do both and do both virtually without leaving the classroom?
In this session we’ll first go places using Google Earth as our ticket out of here; then, to savour the experience, we’ll make our travel scrapbooks in the Movie Maker. You will leave knowing how to:
- use Google Earth for the virtual cultural experience
- use the Movie Maker to make scrapbooks or mini stories – with text, image and sound!
- get your students interested in both target language culture and writing, at once!
- import copyright-friendly input for your students’ classroom output.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2008-11-22
Organizator: British Council Poland & DOS-TTS
Miejsce: LUBLIN
Rodzaj: super-intensywne warsztaty z zakresu nowoczesnych technologii w nauczaniu języka angielskiego