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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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International Association of Teachers of English
as a Foreign Language in Poland
Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL POLAND

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to join us

on SUNDAY November 29th, 2008 at 9 a.m.
at the Teacher Training College in Wrocław (NKJO)
room 118
ul. Skarbowców 8a, 53-025 Wrocław

for a series of 3 workshops (6 hours)


1/ Teachers and students telling their own stories
Working through the various ways of remembering, selecting and telling stories from life experiences or from the stories told to us by family, friends or teachers. Ways of telling the stories well and activities which might be carried out in response to the stories.

2/ Helping students to make shadow theatre
Highly motivating, involves all students from toddlers to teenagers. Inventing the story, making the images, recording on video the show.
seminarium angielski .
This workshop is designed for non-artist language teachers to convince them that they can do it. Breathtaking for parents evenings. Students 5 to 18.

3/ Helping students to create an on-going community
An idea which costs nothing in money and very little time in teacher preparation…but is incredibly engaging and incredibly rich in its potential to make students USE their English in ways which matter to them. Absolutely applicable to all ages and all levels.

Andrew Wright: Experience

As an author: I have published with: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Longman Pearson and Helbling. Many of my books have been translated and re-published by other publishers. I have also written and illustrated stories for BBC, ITV, German TV K
As an illustrator: I have illustrated most of my own books, and some books for other authors. I have also illustrated the stories I have written for television.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
For fifteen years I was Principal Lecturer in Art and Design at the Metropolitan University of Manchester.
As a storyteller and storymaker: I have been working with students for twenty years and in over twenty countries. I estimate that I have worked with over 50,000 students in this time. I have worked with young children and with old adults!
As a teacher trainer: I have worked with teachers in forty countries. I value theory but normally like to manifest it through practical activities.

Andrew Wright's books in print
Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press
Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press
Five Minute Activities. Cambridge University Press

Storytelling with Children. Oxford University Press
Creating Stories with Children. Oxford University Press
Art and Crafts. Oxford University Press

Longman Pearson
1000+ Pictures for Teachers to Copy

Helbling Languages
Writing Stories

The workshops are free for IATEFL members.
The registration fee for non-IATEFL members is 20 PLN.
seminarium angielski .

The registration fee for students is 10 PLN.
All teachers wishing to join IATEFL Poland are required to pay the annual membership fee, which is 75 PLN for the year 2010, membership of one of the SIGs included. The workshop or membership fee can be paid at the meeting.

All the workshop participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Some refreshments will be provided.
The event is scheduled to last until approximately 2.30 p.m.

Please confirm your attendance by e-mail agn.mirowska@kn.pl or joanna.leszkiewicz@pwr.wroc.pl
by November 25th at the latest.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Joanna Leszkiewicz
Wrocław Region Coordinator

Agnieszka Mirowska
Teacher Training SIG Coordinator
Magdalena Konopko
Head of the Teacher Training College


ul. Skarbowców 8a, 53-025 Wrocław http://www.nkjo.wroc.pl/
tel. (71) 339 84 22, fax (71) 339 85 51 biuro@nkjo.wroc.pl

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2009-11-29
Organizator: IATEFL Poland
Miejsce: Wrocław
Rodzaj: series of 3 workshops (6 hours) with ANDREW WRIGHT