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Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, która odbędzie się
24 listopada (sobota) 2007 roku w Szczecinie
w Hotelu Novotel, Al. 3-Maja 31

Konferencję poprowadzi
wykładowca metodyki w Instytucie Anglistyki UMCS w Lublinie, autorka podręczników i materiałów metodycznych wydawnictwa Macmillan.



10:00 - 11:15 Assessment working undercover

When an average teacher and average students think of assessment, an ominous vision of formal testing appears looming on the horizon. And yet, the modern concept of assessment, especially when it comes to young learners, is so much broader, encompassing techniques and procedures that are often hardly distinct from natural, everyday classroom practices.

In this session we will try to define what formative, informal assessment can buy us. The focus will be on such procedures as self- and peer-assessment or informal classroom observation.
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We will also provide some practical hints on how to use typical learning tasks (games, projects, flashcard activities) as tools of informal assessment. Last but not least, we will touch upon the idea of parental involvement in the process of a child’s learning, as parents might well contribute to the feedback that their kids receive on their progress.

Każdy uczestnik sesji otrzyma bezpłatny egzemplarz książeczki z serii Macmillan Children's Readers.


11:30 - 13:00 Get out of the groove! On teaching culture in a non-stereotypical way

While teaching ‘culture lessons’ we tend to get into the groove. 5 o’clock-tea-talks, hamburger-eating Americans, surfing-loving teenage Aussies – these are the things we offer our students most often. Very seldom do we go beyond the stereotypical way of looking at cultures and nations. And yet, wouldn’t it be better to offer them more than such scraps of knowledge about British or American literature, traditions, habitual behaviours? And help them realize that cultures are not monoliths?

In this workshop we are going to look at culture lessons from a different perspective. We are going to see that it is worthwhile to treat language functions and conversation frames as culture-specific elements.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
We are also going to find out how the Common European Framework policy concerning the equality of cultures and languages may be reflected in everyday teaching. Finally, we are going to explore the use of concepts of ‘Culture’ and ‘culture’ in language classrooms.

‘Getting out of the groove’ is going to be illustrated with some… groovy bits and pieces from “Switch into English” coursebook and its culture DVD-ROM.

Każdy uczestnik sesji otrzyma bezpłatny egzemplarz książki ucznia i zeszytu ćwiczeń Switch into English 2 oraz broszurę informacyjną na temat egzaminu gimnazjalnego wraz z opisem realizacji kryteriów egzaminacyjnych przez podręczniki wydawnictwa Macmillan.


13:30 - 14:45 Yo sup homes? On language change and language teaching

How come English is shrinking and expanding at the same time? Is Internet language, with its structural shortcomings, a valid image of language for the future? Why are text messages getting more and more compact? Does modern ‘slam’ poetry deserve to be called ‘poetry’ at all?

English is no longer simply a very popular language.
seminarium angielski .
It is now the world’s global language, making its way into new nations, cultures, media, and forms of communication. What – if anything – does it mean for us as language teaching professionals?

Is it sensible to worry about being correct in terms of grammar and pronunciation any longer? What kinds of language awareness do our students need? Do all standard usage rules hold as much as we would want them to? And what, for goodness’ sake, do British teenagers mean when they say Yo sup homes ??? Come and see for yourself – and get plenty of fresh, practical ideas that may even change something in your teaching.

Wśród uczestników sesji rozlosujemy 20 egzemplarzy nowego wydania słownika Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.


Więcej informacji na temat konferencji znajdą Państwo na naszej stronie internetowej www.macmillan.pl w sekcji Szkolenia.

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Zespół wydawnictwa Macmillan
Kontakt do działu szkoleń: e-mail: tt@macmillan.pl, tel. 022 32 11 925.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2007-11-24
Organizator: Macmillan
Rodzaj: konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego