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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Wydawnictwo Macmillan serdecznie zaprasza na konferencję metodyczną dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, która odbędzie się
24 listopada (sobota) 2007 roku w Lublinie
w Hotelu Mercure Unia, Al. Racławickie 12

Konferencję poprowadzi
wykładowca metodyki w Instytucie Anglistyki UW, główny konsultant metodyczny w wydawnictwie Macmillan.



10:00 - 11:15 Teaching an integrated world

As a proud (and tired) parent of a 9 year-old daughter, I can say that the wonder of being around a child like this is that she is definitely one of the ‘small people’: physically still rather petite, mentally sometimes frighteningly adult, asking very mature questions and demanding sensible answers. Her world is still one with fuzzy borders, not because she can’t distinguish between a talking car and a minister of education. It’s more to do with how – partly through the influence of media – fictional characters and events seem to blend seamlessly with the world out there.
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She’s still experiencing both worlds with equal intensity.

The question is, can we in any way take advantage of the integrated world of small people when designing things for them to do in a language classroom? Is there a way to harness their natural curiosity, their instinct for playful competition, their ability to talk equally naturally to teachers and pencil puppets? And how can we softly but efficiently monitor their progress so that parents don’t think all we do is sing, jump, and cut out silly things?

Każdy uczestnik sesji otrzyma bezpłatny egzemplarz książeczki z serii Macmillan Children's Readers.


11:30 - 13:00 Culture wise?

Curiosity is an essential learning factor. Given the choice, most learners will opt for a trivia quiz, and not for a vocabulary drill. They tend to get more aroused by a good horror story than by a highly structured grammar lesson. What should our response be, as language teachers? Shall we play along, please them as much as we can, and hope they’ll be so grateful that they will let us do a bit of teaching in exchange? That’s certainly one way of doing it, and heaven knows perhaps a very good one with some groups.

Alternatively, we can get wise about culture, by going beyond the trivia.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Or – more precisely, by using culture-rich material as a springboard for a wide range of language-intensive activities.

The session will be illustrated with a number of materials taken from “Switch into English” (the new Macmillan course for the Polish gimnazjum), including the accompanying culture DVD-ROM.

Każdy uczestnik sesji otrzyma bezpłatny egzemplarz książki ucznia i zeszytu ćwiczeń Switch into English 2 oraz broszurę informacyjną na temat egzaminu gimnazjalnego wraz z opisem realizacji kryteriów egzaminacyjnych przez podręczniki wydawnictwa Macmillan.


13:30 - 14:45 Grammar past, pronunciation present, word future…
language change in the classroom

First, a few less-than-completely-serious questions: is your healthspan being cut short by your al desko lunch, your orthorexia and the ever-increasing risk of receiving a phish in your e-mail? Does your latte factor leave you enough to spend on dental spas and voice lifts, or will you have to start shopgrifting?

If by any chance you are not entirely sure how to answer these, don’t blamestorm – give up some precious me time and learn about some of the most recent additions to the English word stock. And also about some of the more or less outrageous word histories from the more or less distant past.
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Plus some really hot gossip about what’s currently happening to English vocab, as well as its pron and gram.

Fascinating as language change is to us as language lovers, it is often seen as a potential threat by us as language teachers: can we ever hope to be up-to-date, let alone our learners? If usage norms are unstable, which errors shall we correct? If pronunciation standards keep shaking, should we insist on careful articulation any longer?

In the course of this session we’ll take a serious look at such questions, to see how we can manage language change in the classroom. We’ll also sample several exercise types that are inspired by how English is not always what we’re used to…

Wśród uczestników sesji rozlosujemy 20 egzemplarzy nowego wydania słownika Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.


Więcej informacji na temat konferencji znajdą Państwo na naszej stronie internetowej www.macmillan.pl w sekcji Szkolenia.

Do zobaczenia wkrótce :-)
Zespół wydawnictwa Macmillan
Kontakt do działu szkoleń: e-mail: tt@macmillan.pl, tel. 022 32 11 925.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2007-11-24
Organizator: Macmillan
Miejsce: LUBLIN
Rodzaj: konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego