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szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Wydawnictwo Pearson Longman zaprasza nauczycieli gimnazjum i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych na konferencję metodyczną w Łodzi 12 lutego, sobota, Hotel andel’s, ul. Ogrodowa 17

10:30 – 11:00 Rejestracja uczestników
11:00 – 11:20 Zmiany w egzaminie gimnazjalnym 2012 – prezentacja Barbary Czarneckiej-Cichej
11:20 – 12:10 ASSESSMENT FOR BUSY TEACHERS – Michael Harris

Effective classroom assessment of language learning involves the systematic monitoring of learners’ communicative performance
and progress as well as of their linguistic acquisition. To do this properly takes a lot of time, a commodity in short supply for most English language teachers. Therefore, we need to decide where and how to spend our time and, even more important, to involve learners in the assessment process to help us. This session will make some practical suggestions about how to prioritise and how to involve learners.
seminarium angielski .
We will look specifically at assessment within the context of preparation for the skills elements in the gimnazjum exam: self-assessment of reading and listening performance; teacher assessment of written performance; self and peer assessment of writing.

12:10 -12:30 Przerwa kawowa

TESTS – Peter Moran

A tall order, perhaps? Faced on Sunday evening with a pile of papers to correct and return, we could be forgiven for questioning the sanity of any teacher suggesting that homework and tests are things to love. And yet they are an integral and important, if time-consuming, element of the teaching process. This talk will look at the value of homework from both a methodological and a practical point of view: how we can use it most effectively to assist our students' progress and develop their independence, and how we can do this in the most efficient and least time-consuming way.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
We will also consider the role of study outside the classroom in effective exam preparation and how to organise and evaluate this work to best ready our students for their examinations. The talk will also introduce MyEnglishLab - a new approach to managing homework and assessment.

13:10 – 13:20 Przerwa

13:20 – 13:40 Zmiany w egzaminie maturalnym 2012 – prezentacja Barbary Czarneckiej-Cichej


A new year, a new matura. At least that is the way it seems to be, so rapidly do the changes come. This talk will provide a brief overview of the main changes in the matura exam for 2012 and examine in detail what difficulties and opportunities these changes represent
for our students. The talk will be highly practical, focusing on common problems for exam takers and ways to deal with these issues
in class.
seminarium angielski .
We will also reflect on the importance of maintaining a balance between exam-based work and general language development, looking at how these two goals can be complimentary rather than in conflict.
Uczestnicy konferencji otrzymają:
zestaw materiałów konferencyjnych, certyfikat uczestnictwa, torbę jubileuszową, Egzaminy 2012 – Kompendium anglisty, przewodnik MyEnglishLab wraz z próbnym kodem dostępu oraz egzemplarz okazowy podręcznika
New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate, a w terminie późniejszym drogą pocztową New Exam Challenges 1.

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Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Ewa Wilmańska
Starszy Konsultant Metodyczny
tel. 661 361 092

Jan Witek
Konsultant Metodyczny
tel. 661 361 091

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2011-02-12
Organizator: Pearson Longman
Miejsce: Łódź
Rodzaj: konferencja metodyczna dla nauczycieli gimnazjum i szkół ponadgimnazjalnych