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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Dear Colleague,

we are very happy to invite you to our 12th DOS-TTS teacher development conference:

No nonsense: non-trivial content, non-trivial methodology

Saturday Dec 1: Warsaw
10:00 –15:30
Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawaim. R.Łazarskiego,
ul. Świeradowska 43

Sunday Dec 2: Wrocław
10:00 –15:30
Instytut Filologii Angielskiej, University of Wrocław,
seminarium angielski .
Kuźnicza 22

A super-intensive day packed with ideas and practical tips on New Issues, New Topics & Where to Find Them when teaching (young) adults.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
seminarium angielski .
All of this to be delivered by a truly impressive cast of ELT experts:
Ken Wilson, representing DOS-TTS, on ‘hot ’ topics, ‘now’ topics, and ‘taboo’ topics
Keith Kelly, a British Council Poland speaker, co-author of BC web resources, on how to integrate language learning and truly nontrivial content
Mark Muirhead, speaking on behalf of DOS-TTS, on how to blend e-resources to improve both fluency and accuracy
Geoff Tranter, representing TELC, on how to make in-class reading genuinely more authentic

You will also have a chance to browse through and collect information materials of our academic partners: British Council Poland, TELC, Trinity Language College and The Teacher magazine.

Full timetable, session abstracts, trainers’ biodata and venue info:

Early registration: by Nov 24th [Saturday]
Late registration: by Nov 28th [Wednesday]

To secure a booking, rush your registration form and a copy of proof of payment via fax or e-mail

For assistance, e-mail us at biuro@e-dos.org or ring 601 800 991
For more academic info, ring Marta at 501 037 652 or Grzegorz at 663 55 66 77

We do hope to see you there!
Your DOS-TTS Team

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2007-12-01
Organizator: DOS
Rodzaj: konferencja metodyczna No nonsense: non-trivial content, non-trivial methodology