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Macmillan Small Talks (big ideas) - nowatorska forma krótkich wideo-szkoleń metodycznych.
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Tylko 20 minut!

Wystarczy jedno kliknięcie, aby poznać nowinki metodyczne prezentowane przez najlepszych trenerów! Szybko, wygodnie i całkowicie bezpłatnie - wprost z ekranu Państwa komputera, przy filiżance ulubionej kawy lub herbaty.

Anna Parr-Modrzejewska:

The fashion for a tailor-made exam focused lesson


Getting dressed well is a difficult skill which requires the ability to make good decisions about choosing among a multitude of clothes, the ones that match and suit the owner best. Preparing students for the final exam is like drawing from a wardrobe filled with items of knowledge they gained during their regular classes, and putting them in matching attires suitable for the occasion.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
The teacher is a fashion designer creating lessons from a wealth of language elements and available types of activities in such a way that they are attractive and respond to learners’ needs.

In my session, I will look at the art of making a well structured lesson based on knowledge gained from a regular course book and focused on exam practice with the view to awakening an imaginative designer hidden in every teacher, who will ensure that his students on the day of the exam are dressed to kill..
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Dodatkowo do pobrania slajdy z prezentacjami oraz certyfikat uczestnictwa - wystarczy odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące sesji i wypełnić formularz on-line.

http://www.macmillan.pl/index.php/szkolenia/small-talks-big-idea s?utm_source=szukaj-lektora&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_content=small-talks&utm_campaign=szukaj-lektora-bts all-talks&utm_campaign=szukaj-lektora-bts
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2012-08-28
Organizator: MACMILLAN
Rodzaj: - 20-minutowe wideo-szkolenia do pobrania bezpłatnie od 28.08.2012