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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

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One of the scientists is a genius and the other is … not.
Zapraszamy na interaktywne wydarzenie naukowo-psychologiczne.
seminarium angielski .

Po angielsku!

Nick Clowes & Ross Mulkern

Katowice 23/11 oraz 30/11, Łódź 24/11, Poznań 1/12

The plot involves two scientists from the planet Britannia landing on Earth and getting stuck after their ship is damaged. One of the scientists is a genius and the other is … Well, let’s just say he is not a genius. As they are scientists, they try to perform an anthropological psychological study on the native population of the planet and find out about how people on Earth think and form superstitions.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
But as the two scientists discover they are stuck on Earth, they have to find ways of getting home. They need to fix various parts of their ship. Firstly, they need to generate electricity. They are lucky to have a Victorian electric machine. Then they need a weapon system. Luckily they’ve got a laser, and… some balloons. They are also playing with the idea of vortex cannons.
seminarium angielski .
Finally, they need to replace the engines in the space ship so they decide to build a Jet engine using a jam jar.

Bilety: 22 zł/uczeń

Rezerwacja na wydarzenia otwarte: http://naukabezgranic.pl/rezerwacja

Warsztaty w Państwa szkole: naukabezgranic@gmail.com

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2016-11-23
Organizator: NaukaBezGranic
Miejsce: Katowice
Rodzaj: Zapraszamy na interaktywne wydarzenie naukowo-psychologiczne. Po angielsku!